It was a definitely a FUN Friday morning this morning!
The kids learned that sometimes, in the middle of the storm, it is hard to have faith and trust that Jesus is who he says he is. But, if we keep our eyes fixed in Him, He will keep us safe through all the storms of life. Some of the ”storms” kids shared were struggles with peers at school, some stress at home, and even fear of physical thunderstorms.
We got to talk about how much the Lord loves each of us (even more than our moms and dads love us! 🤯) and that He is always with us.
We read the Bible story in Matthew 14 about Jesus walking on water to the disciples in the storm. Peter didn’t believe that Jesus was who He said He was, so he challenged Him “Lord, if it is really you, command me to come to you on the water. And Jesus said “Come.”
As long as Peter’s eyes were fixed on Jesus, he stayed on top of the water, but when he focused on the storm, he began to sink.
We tried our best to walk on water but settled for rolling around on a giant water blob instead. ❤️❤️