Evangelical Friends Church Mid America

Evangelical Friends Church Mid America So began what has become Evangelical Friends Church- Mid America Yearly Meeting.

Here you will find resources to connect with Evangelical Friends Church-Mid America Yearly Meeting, which is the network of more than 60 local Evangelical Friends Churches located in KS, OK, TX, MO, NE, CO, and MN. A Brief History of Mid America Friends

“The attention of Friends (Ohio and Indiana) was first turned to Kansas in connection with Indian Missionary activity” (Sheldon Jackson, A Short

History….). This attention was given action in 1836 by the construction of a boarding school a “meeting house”, stables and a meat house to the southwest of what is now Kansas City. By 1872 the territories had opened their doors to many settlers, among who were a significant number of Friends who established Friends Churches in various places. Indiana Friends were in agreement to establish Kansas Friends their own Yearly Meeting with headquarters in Lawrence, Kansas. Post-Civil War migrations saw a great influx of Friends settling in the Midwest. Soon churches were established in Oklahoma and Texas so that by 1925 the membership of Friends in Kansas Yearly Meeting had reached just over 10,000. This was the year that the headquarters was officially moved from Lawrence to Wichita. In the intervening years, Kansas Yearly Meeting changed its name to more appropriately reflect its constituency, first to Mid-America Yearly Meeting, then in 2000, to Evangelical Friends Church – Mid America Yearly Meeting. Those years also saw the formation of Friends University, Friends Bible College (now Barclay College) and Camp Quaker Haven. Heeding the call to “go into the world”, Mid America Friends launched the Friends Africa Gospel Mission in Burundi Africa in 1934. The church grew and developed until it is now one of the largest groups of Evangelical Friends in the world. Partnership with Evangelical Friends Mission now occupies the missionary vision and calling. Mid America Friends have been planting churches throughout the region and encouraging its people to enter into the communities of our world with the good news of Christ and being the incarnation of Christ to the ones who have yet to believe.

For those of you who are interested, you're invited to our annual EFC-MAYM Ministry Conference which will be held in the...

For those of you who are interested, you're invited to our annual EFC-MAYM Ministry Conference which will be held in the Ross-Ellis Center on the campus of Barclay College in Haviland, Kansas on July 26-28. This weekend will be jam packed with worship, community, equipping from our main speaker Alan Amavisca, and lots of connecting.

The theme this year is Encountering Jesus, Engaging the World.

I will be leading a worship team as will Michael Scott from Haviland and Randy Beyer and Carrie Beyer from Lowell.

Register at https://efcmaym.org/news/ministry-conference/

Registration deadline is tomorrow if you don't want a late fee. July 12th! Registration active unti July 19th. After that, contact Janet Penna at the Ministry Conference Center in Wichita for information.

Alan Amavisca Bio:
Alan Amavisca has served in a variety of ministry roles over the past 40 years. He is currently the Mission Director of North County Project where he equips people to develop disciple-making communities: .org. Former roles include missionary church planter, mentor, mission pastor, church elder, and mission director, including being on staff of Friends Yorba Linda overseeing their missions department. He enjoys sharing Jesus cross-culturally and investing in young, emerging leaders. He loves books, surfing, spoiling grandkids and, above all, his wife Barbara. “I love doing ministry across barriers, whether generational, economic or cultural/linguistic; I believe that Jesus has given us a ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:20).”

Ministry Conference 2024!It’s going to be a great Ministry Conference from July 26th-28th at Barclay College in Haviland...

Ministry Conference 2024!

It’s going to be a great Ministry Conference from July 26th-28th at Barclay College in Haviland this year!

Register by July 12th at efcmaym.org. Registration closes July 19th.

Lead Superintendent Thayne Thompson sent out an email with all the pertinent information with the brochures attached to all EFC-MAYM pastors! You can print these brochures to have available for people in your congregations.

Alan Amavisca from California will be teaching us how to make disciples and go deeper in our faith with God.

Childcare is available for ages 0-12!

Scholarships are available if needed to help offset the costs.

On Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. the service will be streamed live if your church wants to participate and watch online!

See all the details in the brochure and in the info in the images below!


We also want to update everyone on a few things regarding Ministry Conference:

Church Contributions

In order to offset the increasing costs associated with Ministry Conference all churches with an average attendance under "50" are asked to contribute $50 to the Ministry Conference Fund, and those with an average attendance over "50" are asked to contribute $100. Thank you for your support!

Display Tables

Another omission on the registration pages was to ask if any organization, or individuals wanted to reserve a display table at Ministry Conference. If any organization or individual would like to have a display table, please email me at [email protected], or call my cell 316-617-8926. We will have space for about 18 long tables in the Ross-Ellis Center on Barclay’s campus. So, first come, first served.

Registration Deadlines

Since we have reached July, we thought we should remind people of registration deadlines for the conference. July 12th is the cut-off date before the late fee of $25 kicks in. July 19th is the final cut off for registrations, including the Friends Women lunch. We have to provide numbers for meals to Barclay and caterers. Thank you for understanding that reality.

Paying by Check

If you wish to pay by check or your church is sending payment for your group, please use the “PAYBYCHECK” discount code in the registration “Summary” right before your order total. Checks for the total ticket amount must be mailed to the Yearly Meeting Office payable to “EFC-MAYM” at:

2018 W Maple St
Wichita, Kansas 67213

See you soon!


We know where God is sending us. Who will go? Surely some of God's chosen workers live and serve in Mid America. Are you...

We know where God is sending us. Who will go? Surely some of God's chosen workers live and serve in Mid America. Are you one of them? Help wanted.

Check out the latest update on our Five- Year Goal! To learn more, visit online here: https://friendsmission.com/five-year-goal/



2018 W Maple Street
Wichita, KS


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