For those of you who are interested, you're invited to our annual EFC-MAYM Ministry Conference which will be held in the Ross-Ellis Center on the campus of Barclay College in Haviland, Kansas on July 26-28. This weekend will be jam packed with worship, community, equipping from our main speaker Alan Amavisca, and lots of connecting.
The theme this year is Encountering Jesus, Engaging the World.
I will be leading a worship team as will Michael Scott from Haviland and Randy Beyer and Carrie Beyer from Lowell.
Register at https://efcmaym.org/news/ministry-conference/
Registration deadline is tomorrow if you don't want a late fee. July 12th! Registration active unti July 19th. After that, contact Janet Penna at the Ministry Conference Center in Wichita for information.
Alan Amavisca Bio:
Alan Amavisca has served in a variety of ministry roles over the past 40 years. He is currently the Mission Director of North County Project where he equips people to develop disciple-making communities: .org. Former roles include missionary church planter, mentor, mission pastor, church elder, and mission director, including being on staff of Friends Yorba Linda overseeing their missions department. He enjoys sharing Jesus cross-culturally and investing in young, emerging leaders. He loves books, surfing, spoiling grandkids and, above all, his wife Barbara. “I love doing ministry across barriers, whether generational, economic or cultural/linguistic; I believe that Jesus has given us a ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:20).”