Because of Christ - Kansas

Because of Christ - Kansas Joy, forgiveness, love, healing, peace, change, hope. Discover the blessings that Christ has to offer you. Amigos españoles haga clic abajo.

In 1 Nephi 3:7 it says, "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no c...

In 1 Nephi 3:7 it says, "I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them."

In this verse, we learn that God always makes a way for us to do what He asks. How have you felt Him strengthen you so you can keep His commandments even when it's hard?

President Jeffrey R. Holland, one of the Twelve Apostles, taught that prayers are the motions of a hidden fire within us...

President Jeffrey R. Holland, one of the Twelve Apostles, taught that prayers are the motions of a hidden fire within us, always to be offered to God, our Heavenly Father, in the name of His son, Jesus Christ. He said:

"Ultimately, we can look to the example of the Savior, who prayed so very, very often. But it has always been intriguing to me that Jesus felt the need to pray at all. Wasn’t He perfect? About what did He need to pray? Well, I have come to realize that He too, with us, wanted to 'seek [the Father’s] face, believe his word, and trust his grace.'"

How can you elevate your prayers?


Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? Or if you'll ever see your loved ones again? Check out this video and if you have any questions, let us know!

"Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is ...

"Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven."
3 Nephi 12:16

Jesus Christ is the light and life of the world. We have all been given this light to share with others. We must follow His example by serving and loving our neighbors. God will be pleased and support us as we share our light and the light of Christ. How can you be a light in someone elses life?

"The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things tha...

"The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." Alma 30:44

Everything around us is a testimony of God's love for us! Prophets, scriptures, and the earth are just a few listed here. What is something that witnesses to you that there is a Supreme Creator?

The temple is a holy place we go to feel the Spirit of God. Just like the covenant we make at baptism, we can make more ...

The temple is a holy place we go to feel the Spirit of God. Just like the covenant we make at baptism, we can make more covenants in the temple. Families are central to Gods plan and in the temple we have the opportunity to be sealed or married for eternity, so that our families can be together forever. When we make these temple covenants, our families will become strengthened and become closer to God. What can you do now to prepare for the temple?

God loves all His children and wants them to return to Him one day. The way to do that is through ordinances and covenan...

God loves all His children and wants them to return to Him one day. The way to do that is through ordinances and covenants, or promises, we make with God. We get to make these in buildings called temples which are also known as the House of God. However, some people don't get the chance to do this while on the Earth but that doesn't mean there isn't hope for them. One of the greatest opportunities we have is to do temple work for our deceased ancestors so we can live with them forever. Have you ever seen a temple before? How does it make you feel to know you can help your deceased ancestors?

Marriage and family are central in God's plan for our eternal happiness. God has ordained that marriage is between a man...

Marriage and family are central in God's plan for our eternal happiness. God has ordained that marriage is between a man and a woman, both sharing the sacred responsibility to be loyal, faithful, and equal partners in this cherished union. It is a sacred privilege and responsibility for parents to care for the children they are able to bear or adopt, teaching and living the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our families are most likely to be happy when we live by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Still, all families have challenges. As we seek God’s support and keep His commandments, such challenges can help us grow in love and service, help us learn to repent and forgive. As we are faithful, God promises us the blessings of loving families, whether in this life or in the life to come. Why is family important to you?

When Jesus Christ was on the Earth, He established and organized His church through the power and authority of God. This...

When Jesus Christ was on the Earth, He established and organized His church through the power and authority of God. This power is known as the priesthood. This priesthood power has been brought back to the Earth and is held by worthy men within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the same church Jesus Christ established but restored today. Within the church, there are many organizations such as relief society, priesthood quorums, and primary, which are all governed by this priesthood power. The priesthood is also used to give blessings of healing and comfort. How does it make you feel to know that God's power and authority has been restored to the Earth?

Fasting is a sacrifice we make to show our dedication to God. The first Sunday of every month is considered fast Sunday ...

Fasting is a sacrifice we make to show our dedication to God. The first Sunday of every month is considered fast Sunday where we all get to fast along personal fasts whenever we feel the need. When we fast, we refrain from eating and drinking for 24 hours. Fasting always goes along with prayer. As we fast, we become spiritually uplifted and strengthened. When we fast, we are asked to give a fast offering and donate whatever money would've been used for those meals to the church to help those in need. God will bless us as we make this sacrifice in our own lives. How can you prepare for this upcoming fast Sunday?

When we experience the love and peace of the gospel, it is natural to want to share it with those around us. Sometimes i...

When we experience the love and peace of the gospel, it is natural to want to share it with those around us. Sometimes it can seem daunting to share the gospel especially when others may disagree, but as you set a faithful example and stand as a witness of God, you can help your friends, family, and others draw closer to the Savior. One way we have been given to do this is through applying the principles of love, share, and invite in normal and natural ways. What is one way you could love, share, or invite this week?

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we strive to become more like him. One way we can do so is by serving others. Like the Sav...

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we strive to become more like him. One way we can do so is by serving others. Like the Savior during His earthly ministry, we look for opportunities to help others and support them. When we serve others, we are serving God. How can you strive to become a better disciple of Jesus Christ and serve someone this week?

In the Bible, conspiring men sought to entangle Jesus in His words so He would break the law. Instead, the Savior teache...

In the Bible, conspiring men sought to entangle Jesus in His words so He would break the law. Instead, the Savior teaches us to respect civil authority and honor God. He showed us by example to obey the law and be good citizens. He encourages us to extend service to improve both our communities and the nation we live in. To exemplify good moral values in the world around us. How has obeying and honoring the law blessed you?

Every Sunday we have the opportunity to take the Sacrament. The Sacrament was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, who fi...

Every Sunday we have the opportunity to take the Sacrament. The Sacrament was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself, who first broke bread then passed water to His disciples. The bread represents His body and the water represents His blood, both willingly given in sacrifice for all of us. This great demonstration of Christ's love is remembered when we demonstrate our love by participating in this sacred ordinance weekly. Would you like to join us this week at church?

"Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God... For ye are bought with a price: ther...

"Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God... For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

A body is one of the greatest gifts our Father in Heaven has given to us. Because of that, he wants, and trusts, us to take care of them. To help us do that, He has given us a law known as the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom prohibits using harmful and addictive substances such as alcohol, to***co, coffee, and tea. The Lord promises that as we fuel our bodies with good things and follow this law, we will be blessed both physically and spiritually. What's your favorite way to keep your body healthy?

The law of tithing is another commandment from God. To tithe means to give one-tenth of our income to God. All that we h...

The law of tithing is another commandment from God. To tithe means to give one-tenth of our income to God. All that we have is a gift from God, and paying tithing is how we show gratitude by giving back a little of what He has given us. It is to honor God. It is not used to pay Church leaders, who all serve voluntarily. For this act of faith, God has promised that He will pour out abundant blessings in all aspects of our lives. What blessings from God have you seen in your life?

One of the commandments God has given us to keep us safe and happy is the law of chastity. Families are one of the great...

One of the commandments God has given us to keep us safe and happy is the law of chastity. Families are one of the greatest gifts God has given us, and living the law of chastity brings greater happiness and trust within our families. The scriptures teach that marriage is ordained between a man and a woman and the powers of procreation are meant to be used only within the bonds of marriage. This includes keeping our thoughts and actions pure and avoiding anything that would detract from that such as po*******hy. How has your family been a blessing in your life?

God gives us commandments because He loves us. The Ten Commandments can give us guidance and direction. They help us bec...

God gives us commandments because He loves us. The Ten Commandments can give us guidance and direction. They help us become closer to God and our Savior. When we follow the Commandments that the Lord has set, we can find more joy and meaning in our lives. How have you seen Gods commandments be a blessing in your life?

One way God shows His love to us is by sending prophets to lead and guide us. God has always called prophets to be His m...

One way God shows His love to us is by sending prophets to lead and guide us. God has always called prophets to be His mouthpiece here on the Earth. Just like there were prophets in biblical times such as Moses and Noah, we have a living prophet leading the church today. His name is President Russell M. Nelson. As we follow God's prophets, we will find greater happiness and guidance in life. How does it make you feel to know that God loves us enough to guide us through a modern-day prophet?

As God's spirit children, we have a vast capacity for love. This is highlighted in the two great commandments given by J...

As God's spirit children, we have a vast capacity for love. This is highlighted in the two great commandments given by Jesus to love God and love our neighbors. These two commandments are the basis for everything else we do. When we love God and our neighbors, everything else in our life will move into its proper place. It will bring us greater happiness and help us reach our potential as children of God. How have you seen this love influence your life?

Another way we can grow closer to Jesus Christ is through studying the scriptures. In the scriptures, we learn of His li...

Another way we can grow closer to Jesus Christ is through studying the scriptures. In the scriptures, we learn of His life, His teachings, and His promises. As we read the scriptures and apply their teachings to our lives, our faith will increase and we will feel His love for us. What is your favorite scripture?

When we enter the path of discipleship, we commit to live as the Savior did. Jesus Christ set the perfect example for us...

When we enter the path of discipleship, we commit to live as the Savior did. Jesus Christ set the perfect example for us when He prayed. Prayer is an act of faith. It is a simple conversation that we have with our Heavenly Father. It should be sincere and come from the heart. How can you follow Christ's example and make your prayers more sincere?

The gospel of Jesus Christ blesses all of God's children. As we live the principles of His gospel, we can find greater j...

The gospel of Jesus Christ blesses all of God's children. As we live the principles of His gospel, we can find greater joy not just as individuals but within our families as well. Some of the greatest blessings living the gospel brings are the opportunity to be united with our families forever and to live with God again. How has the gospel of Jesus Christ blessed your life?

Enduring to the end is an important principle in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we endure to the end we have faith and...

Enduring to the end is an important principle in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we endure to the end we have faith and hope in Jesus Christ. We trust in Him through the good and the bad.
Because of Christ's sacrifice, we can turn to Him for strength and relief. Enduring to the end includes having a positive attitude and letting God prevail in our lives. How can you let God prevail in your life?

"And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and h...

"And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him." Matthew 3:16

Baptism consists of two parts: baptism by water and baptism by the Spirit. The Spirit this is talking about is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost has many purposes including to sanctify, comfort, guide, and confirm truth. When you get baptized by the proper authority, you have the opportunity to receive this gift to be with you all the time. How could it impact you to have the Holy Ghost in your life?

Do you know what baptism is? Baptism is the first promise we make with God. This is called a covenant. Baptism has two p...

Do you know what baptism is? Baptism is the first promise we make with God. This is called a covenant. Baptism has two parts. The first is baptism by water. Like Jesus, we need to be baptized by immersion. Each week we have the opportunity to remember our covenants with God when we come to church.

Repentance is one way to show faith in Jesus Christ. It is a lifelong process of turning to God and away from sin. Repen...

Repentance is one way to show faith in Jesus Christ. It is a lifelong process of turning to God and away from sin. Repentance is not a punishment, but a gift given to us through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Repentance is the tool He gave us to replace feelings of guilt and shame with peace and joy. God will never give up on you and welcomes you with open arms every time you repent. How does it make you feel to know you can always turn to God for help and forgiveness?

Faith is the first step in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we trust and follow Him. This...

Faith is the first step in the Gospel of Jesus Christ! When we have faith in Jesus Christ, we trust and follow Him. This trust isn't passive though, faith requires action! Some ways we grow our faith include reading the scriptures, praying, and attending church.
What is faith to you? What do you do to grow your faith in Jesus Christ?

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but ...

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

You might have heard these words before, you might have heard them a lot, but that's because they're true! Jesus Christ's whole purpose in coming to this Earth and in performing His atonement was not to condemn, but to save. How have you felt God's love through Jesus Christ?

Someday we will all stand before God to be judged for our actions. This means that, although Jesus Christ paid for our s...

Someday we will all stand before God to be judged for our actions. This means that, although Jesus Christ paid for our sins, where we will live and how we will live in the next life is dependent on what we choose to do in this life. God, as our loving Father in Heaven, wants all of His children to return to live with Him. The way to do this is through faith and relying on the Savior's Atonement. What do you do to come closer to God and show your faith in Him?


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Wichita, KS


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As followers of Jesus Christ,

we believe in learning all we can about Jesus Christ. Following the Savior will bring you the greatest happiness in your life. You will feel His love for you as you seek to understand His life and teachings.

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