And He knows what you do.
(Surah Ash-Shuraa 25)
Nothing goes unnoticed by your Lord—every act, every intention, every struggle. Whether seen or unseen by others, He knows it all. So do good, even when no one is watching, because the One who truly matters is always aware.
#reels #quran #quranrecitation #islam #muslim #islamicreel #muslimreel #quranreel #islamicreminder #muslimreminder
The Quran is preserved by Allah, and one of the ways He protects it is through our Hufadh. This Ramadan 2025, we are honoring them with our second annual ADAMS Center Quran Competition! Whether you’ve memorized a Juz, a Surah, or more—you are among the protectors of the Book of Allah.
This is a competition where everyone wins—every letter recited earns ten hasanat! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Sign up now and be part of something special!
✏️ Register now:
With just a few days left in Rajab, let’s make the most of this sacred month. Rajab is a time of renewal, reflection, and istighfar—a chance to cleanse our hearts and prepare for Ramadan. The Prophet ﷺ would say: Allahumma barik lana fee Rajabin wa Sha’ban wa ballighna Ramadan— O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha’ban and allow us to reach Ramadan. Use these final moments to increase in iman, sadaqah, and repentance, paving the way for a blessed journey ahead.
#allah #islam #religion #deen #islamicknowledge #islamicreminder #dmvmasjid #adamscenter #quran #forgiveness
“They remember Allah in every state—standing, sitting, and lying down—reflecting on the creation of the heavens and the earth:
‘Our Lord, You did not create this in vain. Glory be to You, protect us from the punishment of the Fire.’
These ayahs remind us of the purpose behind creation and the fleeting nature of this world. To truly live as believers is to constantly reflect, remember, and call upon Allah with humility. Have we paused today to ponder His signs and seek His mercy?”
#quran #quranrecitation #recitation #quranteacher #Islam #Islam #Muslim #reels #adamscenter #deen
Whatever challenge you’re facing, the Quran has your story and solution. From struggles with oppression to financial hardships, health to family issues, youth challenges to personal growth—our Prophets lived these tests. Their stories guide us, their patience inspires us, and Allah’s words heal us. Turn to the Quran as your ultimate source of strength and healing. Let it be your light in every difficulty.
#allah #islam #religion #deen #islamicknowledge #islamicreminder
Refreshed logo. Same mission. Looking forward to 2025 with our ADAMS Center family.
Allah Guides to His Light Whom He Wills.
#islam #muslim #dmvmasjid #masjid #quran #quranrecitation #adamscenter #quranmemorization #quranteacher #islamicreminder #noor #guidance
Overcoming sinful habits starts with understanding what leads you there. What emotional states, environments, or behaviors push you toward that action? Reflect on the circumstances and take proactive steps to build discipline.
Set boundaries. Remove triggers. Seek accountability. May Allah make it easy for us and keep us steadfast.
Join us today after isha at ADAMS Fairfax for Towards the HereAfter! @adams.fairfax
Those who have believed and done righteous deeds – a good state is theirs and a good return. Surah Ar-Ra’d Ayahs 26-29!
#islam #muslim #dmvmasjid #masjid #quran #quranrecitation #adamscenter #quranmemorization #quranteacher
Alhamdulillah, we are part of something truly special at ADAMS. Our forefathers and those before us built this foundation, and we are carrying their legacy forward. The struggles we face—too many events, overflowing activities, and growing spaces—are blessings, not burdens.
From kids making noise in Qahwa to expanding Leesburg, Gainesville, Fairfax, and Sully, these are signs of a thriving community. Let’s remind ourselves of the blessings Allah has given us, work together, and never take this unity for granted. Alhamdulillah for everything.
#islam #muslim #Community #muslimcommunity #masjid #dmv #dmvmasjid #reels #adamscenter #deen #futuregeneration
Our young Hifdh student Reyan Temam is reciting the final page of Surah Az-Zumar reminding us of the beauty and power of the Quran. Every letter recited brings endless rewards and strengthens the heart’s connection to Allah.
Support the next generation of Quran students and help build a stronger community grounded in knowledge and faith. Your contribution makes a difference.
📖 Support ADAMS Education today:
#islam #muslim #dmvmasjid #masjid #quran #quranrecitation #adamscenter #quranmemorization #quranteacher #reels
When the Roman king asked Abu Sufyan if people who embraced Islam ever left, he replied, “No, the number is increasing.” Why? Because those who followed the Prophet ﷺ felt welcomed, respected, and treated with fairness.
This is the akhlaq we must embody—in our families, our communities, and in how we treat others. Islam spreads through kindness, justice, and living by example. Are we reflecting these values today?
#allah #islam #religion #deen #islamicknowledge #islamicreminder #muslim #dmvmasjid #masjid #prophetmuhammadﷺ #prophetmuhammad #prophet