Will you win this battle?
Will you win this battle?
Join us Sunday 7:00 am or 8:30 am EDT on keys to WIN!
Relationships (Part 4)
In February we're discussing Relationships. This weekend, February 28th, we speak to Singles and Parents about raising kids during the pandemic.
Join us Sunday at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 11:30 am for “Relationships (Part 4).”
Relationships (Part 3)
In February we're discussing tools that can energize and enhance your marriage. This weekend, February 21st, we address Communication and Resolving Conflict.
Join us Sunday at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 11:30 am for “Relationships (Part 3).”
Relationships (Part 2)
We’ve been blessed to develop some tools during our 43 years of marriage that can improve, energize, and make better your marital relationship or courtship. This also makes great pre-marital counseling.
Join us this Sunday "Valentines Day" at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 11:30 am for “Relationships.”
We’ve been blessed to develop some tools during our 43 years of marriage that can improve, energize, and make better your marital relationship or courtship. This also makes great pre-marital counseling.
Join us this Sunday at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 11:30 am for “Relationships.”
Need a relationship boost? Join us Sunday morning at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 11:30 am EST.
Hope for the New Year!
Happy New Year! And welcome to 2021.
Join us for "Hope for the New Year" this Sunday, followed by "21 Days of Prayer and Fasting." We're going to ensure that 2021 is our best year by starting off devoting ourselves to and hearing from God.
I invite you to join us.
Hope for the New Year
Happy New Year! And welcome to 2021.
Join us for "Hope for the New Year" this Sunday, followed by "21 Days of Prayer and Fasting." We're going to ensure that 2021 is our best year by starting off devoting ourselves to and hearing from God.
I invite you to join us.
The Blessing
You are NOT a victim. You are blessed! You are selected, chosen, special. Join us Sunday 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 11:30 am EST.
Blessed To Be a Blessing
Join us this Sunday for "Blessed To Be a Blessing" ...
Temperament of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
If you know Him, if you know how He acts, if you know how He performs, if you know His natural predisposition, if you know what His temperament is ... you know exactly what He can and will do for you!
Join me online Sunday morning at 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am or 11:30 am EDT for the climax of this message.