“Grace is a message of unconditional love from the Father of the universe. It’s the free offer of the eternal life. And we can experience it all in the gritty now as well as in the sweet by and by” (Dudley Hall)
Abiding Life Grace & Faith Church & Rivers of Living Water (TV)
Abiding in the Life of His Spirit & His Word
Sundays at 11AM, 10 Pidgeon Hill Drive, Suite #150, Sterling, VA 20165
Reaching around the world online
“Grace is a message of unconditional love from the Father of the universe. It’s the free offer of the eternal life. And we can experience it all in the gritty now as well as in the sweet by and by” (Dudley Hall)
You can be troubled in every aspect of your life, yet if your confidence is in Him, you will not be distressed, you’ll not despair and you’ll certainly not be destroyed!
Here is wisdom: "...Jesus has been made unto us wisdom. Many want wisdom, but they don't see that Wisdom is a Person. You cannot spend time in the Presence of the Person without having the wisdom. You cannot spend time with the Victory of Israel without being victorious. You cannot spend time with the Strength of Israel without becoming strong!" (Pastor Joseph Prince)
“It does not matter what your personal deficiency, or whether it be a hundred and one different things, God has always one sufficient answer, His Son Jesus Christ, and he is the answer to every need.” (Watchman Nee)
God is not asking you to do any "work" to try to please Him. It isn't through rituals, ceremonies, or legalistic religion that we please God. All God ever wanted was a people who fully trust and rely upon Him. All He wants of us is that we REST: Rest in HIS work, Rest in His arms, Rest in His promises. "Labor to enter His Rest" (Heb.4:11)
This Labor Day weekend, "Let us LABOR therefore to enter into that REST..." (Hebr.4:11) Join us this Sunday at our 11am service at Abiding Life Grace & Faith Church, 10 Pidgeon Hill Drive, #150, Sterling, VA.
Martin Luther to Friar George
Excerpt of April 8, 1516 Letter
…Now I should like to know whether your soul, tired of its own righteousness, is learning to be revived by and to trust in the righteousness of Christ. For in our age the temptation to presumption besets many, especially those who try with all their might to be just and good without knowing the righteousness of God, which is most bountifully and freely given us in Christ. They try to do good of themselves in order that they might stand before God clothed in their own virtues and merits. But this is impossible. While you were here, you were one who held this opinion, or rather, error. So was I, and I am still fighting the error without having conquered it as yet.
Therefore, my dear Friar, learn Christ and him crucified. Learn to praise him and, despairing of yourself, say, “Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, just as I am your sin. You have taken upon yourself what is mine and have given to me what is yours. You have taken upon yourself what you were not and have given to me what I was not.” Beware of aspiring to such purity that you will not wish to be looked upon as a sinner, or to be one. For Christ dwells only in sinners.
On this account he descended from heaven, where he dwelt among the righteous, to dwell among sinners. Meditate on this love of his and you will see his sweet consolation. For why was it necessary for him to die if we can obtain a good conscience by our works and afflictions? Accordingly you will find peace only in him and only when you despair of yourself and your own works. Besides, you will learn from him that just as he has received you, so he has made your sins his own and has made his righteousness yours...
Join us today at 11am for celebration, praise, and a powerful word from Eve Bariuan.
True, godly prosperity is the God-given ability through faith to meet every need: spirit, soul, body, financially and socially, in great abundance.
“Try not to become a man of success rather try to become a man of value.” (Albert Einstein)
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Abiding Life Grace & Faith Church
Why did Jesus say "Be Perfect"? Then He added "even as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matt.5:48). What exactly did He mean by that statement? Jesus said this in the context of the Sermon on the Mount. This is the same sermon where He says that if your eye offend you, pluck it out, and if your arm offend you, cut it off. Obviously, Jesus isn't expecting us to do those things. He was conveying to the people who were trying to live by the law that if the law of God is your standard, nothing less than perfect obedience is acceptable. If obeying the "law" is what you're depending on to give you right standing with God, then certainly cut off anything that will cause you to fail. In that context only (if it were true), be perfect, even as the Heavenly Father is. Obviously, Jesus doesn't want you to mutilate His temple (your body). Jesus was wanting to bring the people to the end of themselves and to reveal to them that it is impossible for them make it by their own efforts, and that they need a Savior, a Substitute, a Redeemer.
If you need wisdom or guidance from the Lord today, just ask Him for it (James 1:5). He is that warm, friendly voice that is inside you, with you, and for you. He will lead you by His peace to places of rest, provision, and victory (Psalm 23).
"But thanks be to God, which gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (I Cor.15:57). I am convinced that Christians should live overcoming victorious lives. The only "suffering" that Christians should face is what Jesus promised: persecution. Beyond that, the Bible is full of promises that God helps us to rise above whatever circumstances life throws our way. The primary suffering Paul and the others in the New Testament experienced in abundance was persecution. (Rom.8:37-39; I John 5:4)
The only way to live: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths" (Pr.3:5-6)
Join us this morning at 11am @ 10 Pidgeon Hill Dr #150, Sterling, VA.
"Jesus is saying that instead of preparing for a physical battle, we should embrace the understanding that He is the Messiah. In our lives today, many Christians think that our battle is against the government. But Jesus' teaching calls us to a different focus. War is not our way. We're not waiting for a new Messiah to come through government or political means because we already have one—Jesus.
"This insight has been so transformative for me. It makes me realize that we don't need to think we can bring the kingdom into this world since Jesus did and He will manifest it fully. We can rest in the understanding that the Messiah has come, and His way brings true rest and peace. We can say our prayers without feeling the need to load our guns.
"Interestingly, this way of thinking, promoted by Jesus, is what caused many to turn their backs on Him since they simply did not have the faith to see His way as the way to abundant life. They expected a militant leader, but Jesus offered a path of peace and victory in a way that made no sense to them. I hope this perspective blesses you as much as it has blessed me." (Bertie Brit)
“If you build your identity on anything but Jesus, you’ll struggle with insecurity your whole life”. (Tim Cool)
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We're living in a time where Truth is the new 'Hate Speech' (Pat Schatzline)
“From start to finish, He is the One who does it all.”
(Watchman Nee)
Scripture says, “Without faith, you can’t please God.” He’s longing to be good to you, but you’ve got to be looking for His goodness.
God didn't create anyone to be a failure. He created you to be successful (effortlessly). You can hear more about this at Abiding Life Grace & Faith Church tomorrow. Church service starts at 11
“We think of the Christian life as a ‘changed life’ but it is not that. What God offers us is an ‘exchanged life,’ a ‘substituted life,’ and Christ is our Substitute within.” (Watchman Née)
Who satisfies thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s… The Lord is merciful & gracious, slow to anger, & plenteous in mercy. (Ps.103)
Righteousness is not based on actions, deeds, or feelings. It is based on faith in what the Father has stated in His Word. No matter how bad you messed up yesterday, you are still the righteousness of God today. Sin is always wrong, but righteousness is still the truth. Righteousness isn’t a reflection of your actions or deeds; It’s a reality based on the actions and deeds of Jesus Christ, the One True Righteous One.
Abiding Life Grace and Faith Church, A.C.T.S. College, Abiding Life Missions, Rivers of Living Water
Wrong speech and beliefs will keep you defeated. Right speech & beliefs will bring you victory! (3 John 2)
"It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here" (Patrick Henry)
Bible study tonight at 7pm. A study in Genesis. We will begin in chapter 13. Come and be blessed! Learn together from God's Word at Abiding Life Grace & Faith Church, 10 Pidgeon Hill Dr @150, Sterling.
10 Pidgeon Hill Drive #150
Sterling, VA
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Sunday Worship Services at Abiding Life Grace and Faith Church.
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Sunday Worship Services at Abiding Life Grace and Faith Church.
Sunday Worship Services at Abiding Life Grace and Faith Church.
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