Seeking to be a family of believers in Christ, caring for one another, engaging in worship, directed by God’s Word, evangelizing through lifestyle witness and empowered by a relationship with a loving God. We rely on the Holy scripture (the Bible) to reveal Jesus to us and also to reveal the plan for mankind in general, the nation of Israel, and the grafted-in church comprised of all believers who
have received the gift of eternal life via the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ over 2000 years ago. We believe in the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus came in the fullness of God and in the full nature of a man. He lived a Sinless life and when He died took the burden of sin for the whole of humanity. It is up to man to believe and receive His gift of eternal life in His presence with the Father in heaven. We believe in the Holy Spirit Who as part of the Trinity comes alongside and in us to equip, teach and comfort us. He will move through us and manifest the nature of God the Father in us and through us. We do not belong to an established Denomination and so are independent in our operation and church government. The Pastor is responsible for the health of the flock and for the teaching of the Word. The Pastor is the spiritual leader but does not rule over the flock by force or heavy handedness. It is his duty to love and care for the church in the way God has called him to do. Should he fail to do so, the board has the authority to bring into question that which they believe violates the call of God to the pastor. The Board members assist the Pastor in the business of the church and it is their duty to pray for and assist in anyway necessary to ensure that the church and the pastor remain healthy and alive spiritually. We believe the church is not a building - The body of Christ (the people of God) is the Temple of God as prescribed by Scripture. His Spirit indwells His people and thus we are collectively and individually the temple (Church). We believe the presence of God is what makes the church holy and likewise it is His presence in us that makes us Holy. We meet regularly to worship and praise our God. We always invite Him into our worship and seek to please and honor Him through our worship time. We sing and worship and praise Him without reservation because the Scriptures call on us to do this. Tithes and Offerings - We believe it is the Christian duty to tithe (10%) and that offerings are given over and above the tithe. The discipline of giving is very important, and though Calvary Chapel does not pass an offering plate or bag, we encourage and teach the call to give to God. It is not for the benefit of the church as an organization but rather it is for the benefit of the giver and to demonstrate trust and reverence to God. The Pastor and the Board are to be transparent in their administering of the money received through tithes and offerings. Baptism and Communion - We believe in the sacrament of these two and therefore practice the taking of Communion monthly in order to remember what Christ has done for us. We also encourage all believers to obey the command to be baptized. We practice baptism via immersion but are not held to that if health or other conditions prohibit. We also believe baptism can be performed in any body of water, be it a river, lake, pond, or pool. Baptism does not save but rather demonstrates the awareness of salvation and the desire to obey and follow and live according to the commandments of the Lord. Baptism is a testimony to the world a life has been transformed. To be a family of believers in Christ, caring for one another, engaging in worship, directed by God’s word, evangelizing thru lifestyle witness, empowered by a relationship with a loving God is our purpose. Though we do not always accomplish this, we continue to press forward. Statement of Purpose:
Calvary Chapel does not have a membership roll. If you belong to the body of Christ and attend, we consider you a member of the family and therefore entitled to all the benefits given a family member. We are not perfect, so this will include occasional family problems which we will seek to resolve as our Father has commanded us in His Word and through His Spirit.