Sermon 7/14/24
Pastor Kawika Sever
Series: Colossians Book Study
Colossians 1:3-6
-Paul did not plant or visit the church in Colossae.
-But that's who he wrote the book of Colossians to.
-The Colossians didn't know what to believe about Jesus or how to live for Jesus.
-The Colossians had colossal problems! Yet Paul was still thankful for them.
-The Colossians' value is not found in their mastery of theology (or lack thereof).
-The Colossians' value is found in the fact that they are children of God.
-We all need a Savior: JESUS
-We can't transform people, but God can.
-Our job isn't to make people act better faster.
-We need to be open to the change God wants to make in us.
-We can point people to Jesus.
-Your turn: Write a letter to a person or a group of people in whom you do not see much good. Ask God to help you see them the way He sees them.
Sunday Morning Worship Service 7/14/2024
Thank you for worshipping with us this morning!
Pastor Kawika Sever
Colossians 1:3-6
Worship Service 06/30/2024, Psalm 55, Nikolas Frey
Thank you for worshipping with us this morning!
Guest Speaker: Nikolas Frey
Passage: Psalm 55
Other Verses: Romans 8:31-38
Sermon Notes:
-God works best when we are desperate for him.
-Sometimes we want to run from our troubles and even God. Spoiler: Doesn't work.
-You weren't made to fly. You were made to kneel and fight.
-Nothing can stop God's love. We have hope.
-The same God who executed justice back then is the same God who will execute justice for us.
-We're made to love God & love others. Leave the rest to God.
-You weren't made to fly. You were made to kneel and pray to the One who fights for us.
Sunday Worship Service 06/23/2024
Thank you for worshipping with us this morning!
Pastor Kawika Sever
Series: The Bible Doesn't Say That!
Saying to Examine:
To err is human, to forgive divine.
Bible Story: Matthew 18 (The Unmerciful Servant)
Bible Verses: Colossians 3:12-13, Psalm 86:5, Psalm 103:12, Jeremiah 31:34
Sermon Notes:
-God forgives us when we confess our sins and turn to Him. Now we forgive others.
-God is good and ready (quick) to forgive. Are we?
-God's forgiveness is quick and complete.
He remembers our sins no more (Jer 31:34).
-When we confess and repent, God does not hold our sins against us anymore.
-To err is human, to forgive is also human with divine help.
Sunday Worship Service 06/16/2024
Happy Father's Day! Thank you for worshipping with us this morning!
Sunday Worship Service 06/09/2024
Thank you for worshipping with us today!
Pastor Kawika Sever
Series: The Bible Doesn't Say That
Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-10
Saying to examine: God helps those who help themselves.
Sermon Notes:
-This saying is found in Aesop's Fables (Hercules & the Wagoneer), not the Bible.
-This saying was endorsed by Benjamin Franklin.
-This is one of the most widely known "Bible verses" in America.
-People invest excessively in self-help products.
-Scripture is filled with stories of people who can't help themselves. But God helps them out of His great mercy.
-Grace saves you (Eph. 2:8-9)! God rescued you when you couldn't save yourself.
-We can choose God's way, giving up our own way. God provided a better way for us.
-We can choose God's way, wait for Him,
and do His will through His strength.
-It's critical that we move away from the pathway that we can earn God's help through our works. No, it's all through grace.
Sunday Worship Service 06/02/2024
Thank you for worshiping with us this morning!
Bible Verses: Romans 8:28-29; Jeremiah 29:13; Matthew 7:7-8
God is good Bible verses: Exodus 34:6; 1 Chronicles 16:34; Ezra 3:11; Psalms 25:8, 33:5, 34:8, 69:16, 100:4-5, 107:8-9, 119:68, 143:10, 145:5-7, 145:9; Nahum 1:7; Mark 10:18
Look for God's goodness and allow God to change you to be more like Jesus!
What DOES God control?
-He is working for the good of all things in all things if we give Him the space to do so.
-He is transforming us to look like Jesus if we allow Him.
Sunday Worship Service 05-26-24, "The Bible Doesn't Say That!" Series
Thank you for worshipping with us!
Series: The Bible Doesn't Say That!
Pastor Kawika Sever
Debunking the myth: "God won't give you more than you can handle."
Bible Passages: 1 Corinthians 10:12-13, John 16:33, 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, Isaiah 40:29, Matthew 11:28-30, 1 Corinthians 10:15-17, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3, Philippians 4:6-7
Key Points:
1. You are not alone because human suffering is universal and unavoidable (John 16:33). Sometimes it's caused by us, other times by others.
2. You are not alone because God is faithful! We can rely on his power to carry us through (2 Cor. 1:9, Isaiah 40:29, Matt. 11:28-30, Philippians 4:6-7).
3. You are not alone because God's design for life is based around community (1 Cor. 10:15-17).
-Love is the way out and the way forward.
More Sermon Notes:
-1 Corinthians 10:12-13 is talking about resisting temptation. Don't take it out of context!
-The cliche can imply that life won't be that hard if you follow Jesus (not true!).
-There will be times when you're pushed beyond what you can handle on your own (2 Cor. 1:8).
-This cliche can make people feel alone.
Relationships: Your Life
Thank you for joining us for today's message!
Sunday Worship Service - The Cost: Possessions - 05/12/2024
Please worship with us this morning!
Happy Mother's Day!
Pastor: Kawika Sever
Series: The Cost
Title: Possessions
Key Bible Passage: Luke 14:28-33
Story of the Rich Young Ruler: Luke 18:18-25
Key Verses: Luke 14:33, Luke 18:22
Our possessions could:
-bless others and allow us to live generously
-OR be hoarded in selfishness
-If we're holding onto stuff and putting stuff before God, we cannot be Jesus' disciples.
-Are we willing to give up everything for Jesus and trust God to provide for us?
-Practice holding onto our possessions loosely so we can let go quickly when the time comes.
-Make yourself and your possessions available to God.
-What are you holding onto tightly today (especially stuff)?
-Are you willing to let it go and make Jesus first place in your life?
Relationship Stuff - Suit Up!
Thank you for joining us for today's message!
Sunday Worship Service 04/21/24, Relationship Stuff: Submit to Serve
Please join us to worship the Savior this morning!
Key Verse: Ephesians 5:21
Scripture Passage: Ephesians 5:21-6:9
Other Bible Verses: Philippians 2:7-8, Matthew 22:36-40, James 2:17, Ephesians 5:2
Sermon Notes:
-Submit (be willing) to serve.
-Ask yourself: How can I best submit to serve the people in my life?
-How are your relationships?
-With God
-With people
-With creation
Sunday Worship Service for 04/14/24, God's Faithfulness
Thank you for worshipping with us this morning!
Scripture Passage: Psalm 89:1-8
More Verses: 2 Timothy 2:13, Galatians 5:22, Philippians 4:6-7, Ephesians 3:20-21, Philippians 1:6
Key Thought: God is faithful! Tell the stories of God's faithfulness to us, our testimonies!
Sunday Morning Worship Service
Please join us as we worship the Lord this morning!
Core four Bible passages: Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 133, 1 John 1:1-7, John 20:19-31
-Do you notice any common themes?
-Hint: Think unity!
More Bible passages: John 13:34-35, Ephesians 5:1-2, Romans 12:14-18, James 1:19-20
-There will be conflicts in life.
-If they aren't handled well, the sparks can turn into fill-on, raging fires where people get burned and division creeps in.
Questions for when we have conflict:
-Am I surrendering to Jesus right now (beliefs, words, actions)?
-Am I willing to listen?
-Have I talked to the person?
-Am I willing to offer the same grace that's been offered to me?
More Notes:
-Jesus is mindful of us. He cares to listen.
-Since we are the body of Christ, we should listen to others, too.
-Conflict is the perfect time
to be a conduit of grace,
offering the same grace that's been offered to you!
Happy Resurrection Day 2024
Happy Resurrection Day! Please join us as we worship our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Passage: Acts 7:54 - 8:1a
-God's kingdom has already been established.
-Steven is living into that kingdom.
-His murderers refuse to look.
-Saul/Paul found it wild that Jesus' resurrection was in the middle, not at the end!
-God's kingdom is already here thanks to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus!
-Baptism: Symbolically taking our old life into the water, identifying with Jesus' death, and rising as a new creation of God, joining in the resurrection with Jesus!
-We are the witnesses to and embodiments of a new creation, showing the world what it is to live this new resurrection life!
-Martyr = witness
-Our response should be forgiveness - like Stephen, like Jesus.
-2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV), "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
-Psalm 84:10 (NIV), "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere;"
Palm Sunday - A Good Day!
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Loaves & Fishes: Serving Others
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Sunday Worship Service 03/10/2024
Thank you for worshipping with us today!
Pouring Out
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Talking Faith - Talking About Need
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