Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries

Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries Founder of Emily-Rose Lewis Ministries & Kingdom Living Academy.

Author: Blooming Where You're Planted; Fasting From Glory to Glory

Business Owner: Coffee Saints

Prophetic Counselor


It is not what we do or don't do, but what he has done that redeems us from the curse of sin and death. If you have sinned, repent, and put your faith in our Perfect Savior to enable you to come before the throne of the Father blameless to ask for whatever it is you need. God will hear your request and respond out of his loving kindness to meet your need.


God's coming to the defense of those who have suffered in silence while trusting fully in God to bring justice.

Declare his favor and blessing over your life every single day in confidence.

Don't doubt for a second that he has plans to bring a reward to those who believe he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.



I've noticed a few posts in the last few days from ministers who are defending themselves. I get it. I've defended myself before when I felt I was being falsely accused.

But there is reason to be concerned when ministers defend themselves when, in fact, they have been called out for some blatant rebellion that there is ample proof of. It's an insult to the body and cross of Christ.

It's not okay to misuse scriptures to discourage other people from holding us accountable for our sins.

Repentance requires accountability, humility, and the refusal to minimize one's sin or make excuses for it by comparing it to the good one has done or to the worst sins of someone else.

Anyone who's ever been in a bad relationship can see how terrible this is for trusting relationships. If you are sinned against and the person deflects, acts like you are in the wrong for daring to confront, or misuses scriptures for the sole purpose of avoiding simply acknowledging their sin and its weight and impact, it breaks trust.

The body of Christ, as a whole, seems eager to offer grace and forgiveness to others, but that doesn't mean that we should forgo Biblical procedures for restoring leaders into positions of leadership after blatant rebellion.

I believe that the most important thing if there has been a blatant rebellion in the life of any believer, particularly a minister, is how we handle correction. Will we be truly repentant? Humble? Admitting our wrongs without giving our excuses for it or minimizing our sin? Doing acts of repentance? Stepping down or aside, at least for a season for healing and reestablishing trust of wisdom? This to me is what reveals a person's heart posture and determines whether a person will learn from their mistakes.

We have to rightly divide the word of truth. No, we shouldn't be nitpicking every flaw of our leaders and brothers and sisters, but yes, we need to be exposing and dealing strongly with blatantly rebellious acts that hurt the body of Christ.

Lawlessness is of the anti-Christ.

Nowhere in the scriptures does God indicate believers' love for one another means that we should not be holding one another accountable. It's how governments get corrupted. People cutting deals under the table. I'll ignore your sin if you don't hold me to any kind of Biblical standard type relationships aren't loving.

I wonder if the invasion at all of our borders isn't a natural sign of how lax the American church has been with sin, rebellion, and witchcraft, not just in the congregation, but with the leadership. Believing ourselves to be more merciful than God, we have tolerated a gospel that doesn't require people to repent from their sins.

In the name of compassion, and 'unity and inclusion' we have often taken the grace of God in vain, preached messages that sugarcoat the true word of God out of fear of being called out as having a 'religious spirit,' and overlooked things that needed dealing with thus causing rippling effects of spiritual abuse on the body.

The power of God flows from his virtue. A church that has allowed itself to be contaminated by the world, is powerless.
Leaders should be preaching repentance from sin, and they should be the best example of how that is done, with humility.
The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, yes, but without repentance, there is no way to receive forgiveness and cleansing.

In all this, let's remember to pray for those who are called into the 5-fold. Support your leaders with your tithes, offerings, encouragement, and prayers. Those who are truly called must pay a high price to be servant leaders in the body of Christ and should be shown honor and grace and be supported so they can give themselves to prayer, study, and fasting and be better prepared to avoid demonic traps in the first place.


Praying for you today.


I’ve been struggling feeling sleepy and low energy for so long. I sought the Lord about this and you know the first thing he said?

‘Get more sleep.’ 😴 😂🤣😂 (8-9hrs)

Sometimes the answers to our problems aren’t that deep.

Here are some other examples of things people tend to over spiritualize, that are simply a matter of common sense.

Lord! I need more money!!

God: ‘Work more hours’ ‘Sell things you don’t need.’ ‘Don’t spend money on things you don’t need’ ‘Sow more seed.’

Lord, I need more friends!

God: ‘Show up at the function and opportunities. Start being kind and friendly. Be generous. Show hospitality.

Lord! I need to lose weight!!!

God: Eat less calories. Burn more calories.

Lord! I’m stressed out and anxious.

God: Turn off the bad news. Mind your own business. Read your Bible & pray.


In case you're ever wondering why I don't often mention current events, it's mostly because I don't always know about them. I'm not meaning to be insensitive.

As a person who has overcome a lot of trauma, I purposefully don't go looking for news about all of the terrible and tragic happenings in our world, though sometimes it finds me. God may show me a news story through a friend mentioning it, or I catch a glimpse of something via social media and feel compelled to research an issue further, and I have certain issues where in different seasons I stay up on to keep in prayer over, but overall, I have determined to focus on my tasks and purpose, the people God has assigned me to, and my personal relationship with Jesus.

There have been times I felt that, as a ministry, there was some unspoken obligation to post a 'I am praying for.... or let's keep.... in prayer' when I learned of a tragedy through other people's posts, but I, personally, have rarely felt led to post like that.

I'll be the first to admit, I can't handle the collective trauma of the entire world. My nervous system is simply not wired for it. I don't believe anyone's is.

God always gives me grace for the hurting in personal ministry or when he sends me to scout out an issue, but I don't have the grace to keep up with most of it.


This morning's live broadcast was powerful. There was a breaker anointing flowing, especially towards the end. This post fits exactly with what Holy Spirit broke in during that time to minister:

Samuel . . . was afraid to tell Eli the vision. —1 Samuel 3:15

When God speaks, it is never startling, seldom obvious. He comes to us in our circumstances, moving so subtly and mysteriously through our lives that we wonder, “Is that God’s voice?” Isaiah said that God spoke to him with a “strong hand”—the all-encompassing hand of circumstance, holding and guiding him (Isaiah 8:11). Nothing touches our lives that God isn’t speaking through.

What do we see in our own circumstances? The hand of God, or simply accidents? When we begin to understand that there are no accidents, that all is God, life begins to change. We begin to say, “Speak, Lord,” and to listen. We begin to realize that difficulty does more than discipline us; it brings us to the place where, attentive and hungry, we say, “Speak, Lord.” Get into the habit of saying, “Speak, Lord,” and life becomes a romance.

Perhaps we’ve already heard the call, but we were afraid to answer, fearing that answering would hurt someone we love. God called to Samuel, and Samuel hesitated, wanting to protect Eli. But Eli knew that Samuel must obey; if he did not, he would turn himself into an amateur providence. As cruel as it may seem, we must not prevent the gouging out of the eye, the cutting off of the hand (Matthew 5:29–30). We too are circumstances God is using to speak to others.

Every time circumstances press, say, “Speak, Lord,” and make time to listen. As you listen, your ears grow sharp, until, like Jesus, you hear God all the time.

-Oswald Chambers

Simple wisdom for removing creative blocks and breathing new life into a dusty season of stagnation:Clean out your drawe...

Simple wisdom for removing creative blocks and breathing new life into a dusty season of stagnation:

Clean out your drawers, closets, and basements. Give things away that you are not using or haven't used in some time. Don't just give away junk. Give away anything that is just taking up space in storage. This is also a lesson in trusting God and not fearing future lack. Give your tithes and offerings cheerfully. Be more of a giver in every way you can conceive of both spiritually and in the natural.

This practice alone will kick start a fresh season of new beginnings and Holy Spirit provision, power, and revelation flowing in.

Don't become a reservoir of resources or you will grow stagnant and suffer lack. Be a steady stream of recieving from God all of the good things He gives and a distributor of His love, grace, abundant provision, and mercy.


Last night the Spirit of the Lord stirred me to wake up. I know it was God, because I don't pop out of bed at 2:30am ready to start the day in my flesh! 🙂

I didn't know exactly where he was taking me, but I knew that there had been a stirring in my spirit for a the last two weeks that was unsettling.

I prayed through the concerns of my heart on my knees. There was no wondrous presence and nothing particularly moving in my emotions, but I just knew that I was transacting business that was going to move a mountain, even if I wasn't sure what exactly the mountain was.

I prayed through everything I could think of but was still wide awake so jumped in the shower and began praying in the Spirit. Still no sense of having made headway came.

Climbing back in bed I prayed in the Spirit for awhile and then I checked my Instagram. Directly at the top was this powerful word from Lana Vawser. It fed my spirit and I believe it will yours too.

After reading it I felt the shift and lift as I realized that I had set aside some of my hearts desires that once seemed integral to the plan of God for my life, not in a defeatist attitude, but more of a 'more trouble than it's worth' type mindset on the matter. I committed to the Lord to carry the promise through to completion in faith if he would supply it and felt a fresh wind of his Spirit impart my former fervor on the matter.

Today I woke up with my desire revived. I believe the laying aside of the desire served its' purpose in its' season. Though the vision is rising again, I sense it differently now. I no longer need to see it fulfilled, I am simply aware that it will be, and am willing to accept the responsibility of stewarding it to until completion.

I believe there are many of God's people that are being reminded in this hour not to give up on those things that have been in a prolonged incubation stage in their spiritual wombs. I've said it before, to you and to myself, 'It's still going to happen!'

What a blessing to have moved past the angst of seasons past, through the quiet indifference, and into a calm and confident assurance, marked by a submissive posture of surrender with of a deeper understanding of the cost.

We don't NEED anything but Jesus to be content and enjoy our lives, but he wants to ADD, to MULTIPLY, to EXPAND, and to bring INCREASE for his Kingdom purposes to be fulfilled through our lives.


In case no one else has told you this recently, you have what it takes to overcome every single obstacle that comes your way if you have the Spirit of the living God living on the inside of you.

You are seated with Christ in heavenly places. You have immense authority provided to you through your faith in Christ. The finished work of the cross provides for your every need.

Rise up and apply your faith in the Word of God to every area of your life. Speak. Speak. Speak.

Walk as one who has holy confidence that their God can not fail them!

Words of knowledge are spiritual gifts the Lord delights to give his children who need guidance in decision making.Amen?

Words of knowledge are spiritual gifts the Lord delights to give his children who need guidance in decision making.


Can I be vulnerable for a minute?We took a homeschool historical tour of Fredricksburg, VA today while our kitty Samuel ...

Can I be vulnerable for a minute?

We took a homeschool historical tour of Fredricksburg, VA today while our kitty Samuel was being nuteured at a vet here. I noticed while going though the pictures how several of them have light beaming around Abigail-Rose.

She had a bit of a rough start to the day with some sensory issues with routine being disrupted to be woken in the wee hours of morning to travel. We sat in the back seat of the car after dropping off the cat, and both had a good cry and prayer.

This may sound odd, but crying is actually a healthy way to process and decompress sensory overload, which I also sometimes struggle with, especially when she has had a long stretch of emotional disregulation.

We felt better after a cry and prayer and went about our day. I had prayed for opportunities to be a blessing to others and God delivered several divine encounters for us to share the gospel and the love of Christ.

God was beyond thoughtful with blessing her too. At lunch she had asked for dessert and I told her I wasn't buying any. Halfway through our meal a sweet elderly lady came to the table and said she wanted to give Abigail-Rose her free birthday dessert, that she could pick out whichever one she wanted. I knew at once it was a God thing. I let her know God saw how much she wanted that and blessed her with it.

Later, as we picked Samuel up from the vet, one of the techs followed us out the door and gave Abigail-Rose a pen that looks like a syringe. She had heard me mention Abigail-Rose has watched a neuter surgery on YouTube and found it fascinating.

While ministering in the park, one homeless lady shared an amazing testimony of having been given $740 the day before, along with her story of great suffering. She had gotten a room for a week. I asked her if she had been praying for help. She had been. It was the perfect time for her to share this as I had just laid out the plan of salvation to another man who overheard her testimony. As we were leaving, I looked back and he was reading the tract I left him.

SO many great encounters today. 🥰

No matter what we are going through, God is always there to provide whatever we need. Through tears, laughter, fear, or faith pray at all times. He's listening and will respond.

The Greek word artos (ἄρτος) appears 740 times in the Bible and means "bread". It can also be used figuratively to mean "divine provision" or "sustenance".


How many of you have been given the gifts of tongues? Do you pray in your prayer language daily? If not, now is a good time to start!

Your life will be shifted into next levels of glory as you begin to pray the very heart of God with no impediment from your own understanding!

We haven't even scratched the surface of what God is willing to do for and through his people when we truly learn to pray without ceasing.

Every time you complete a task the Lord has assigned to you, God will either give you the next instruction step or open ...

Every time you complete a task the Lord has assigned to you, God will either give you the next instruction step or open a door that was previously closed to you. You don't need to waste time trying to figure out how God is going to help you fulfill the call on your life. Just focus on the work that is before you this day. Do not procrastinate your progress by believing today isn't filled with purpose. Busy your hands, keep a grateful heart attitude, and worship your way through each day and watch what God will do through your life.

PS: Don't forget to live a balanced life. Work, rest, and play are essential to remaining well balanced!

It's one of my all-time favorite pictures of my son Forrest Rain Oliveros. Strength, balance, beauty, and poise.


I asked God why I had been struggling on some days with anxiety and doubt the last couple weeks, and why I was hearing from so many others facing some really challenging soul stuff this week, too.

'Isn't 2025 the year of the Next Level?' I asked.

I had hit the ground running this month with focused plans and passion so I was curious why the intense soul dreams and feeling pressured.

He told me it is because whenever a person moves into a next level, they have graduated from a past level where they had risen to the top. Therefore, as we step into a new level, we are stepping in as amateurs and will have to press in with confidence that we can rise to the new challenges and expectations.

He impressed on me there is no need to be intimidated. We will learn and grow into the greater levels that he is bringing us into.

Be encouraged. He believes in us! Let's keep believing in him.


Prophetic Word straight from the heart of the Father. 💌❤️❤️👉👉👉

If this prophetic word blessed you, make sure and follow, comment, share, and hit the like button. I appreciate it.


Herndon, VA


https://emilyroselewis.org/one-on-one-counseling/, http://www.kingdomlivingacademy.org/,


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