Mission Bingo 2024
A sneak peak at just a few of the beautiful quilts and raffle baskets for todays Mission BINGO at Sacred Heart Church.
Doors open at Noon for lunch and games will begin at 2 PM.
Round 2 ➡️ This Friday!
1,799 plates served on February 23rd!
Happy Super Bowl Sunday! Go Chiefs! ❤️
Ann Fox playing the beautiful Pastorale by Charles Wesley. #sacredheartcolwich #organblessing #esteyorgancompany
Ben Kraus playing our “new” pipe organ. It contains fourteen ranks which altogether contain 869 pipes. #sacredheartcolwich #organblessing #EsteyOrganCompany
Everyone is a little sleepy this morning, but our awesome team is working hard to get the energy flowing!
The word “atrium” actually means “portico, or porch entrance to a large house.” The term was chosen because in the ancient church, the atrium was a gathering space between the Church Proper and the street. It was the place where the catechumens, those preparing for initiation to the Church, would receive instruction.
The Atrium has a similar purpose for our children. We currently serve children ages 3-9 years old, both in the morning and afternoon sessions. To learn more about our atrium at Sacred Heart or to schedule a tour after one of the Sunday Masses, contact [email protected]. We would love to have you!
#flatfatherpat & Julie saying the rosary in Vermont
Hope you're all enjoying your adventures with #flatfatherpat this summer! I even took him on vacation to New York & Vermont this week. I guess I just can't leave work at home! 😁 (PS sorry for sounding like a nature documentary in the video. 😂 I had just woken up.)
🎵This Little Light Of Mine🎵 by Kindergarten and 1st Grade PSR. What a beautiful way to start the day 😍
Big Thanks to The Rick Cook Band out of Oswego, Kansas! A great performance and enjoyed by all!
Looking for some Friday night fun? Come to Mass at 6:30 and/or a picnic in the park in Colwich, Kansas. Hotdogs, chips, cookies and water for everyone. Fun for the kids include bouncy houses, oversized games and a dunk tank. 8:30 we show Zootopia. Everyone is welcome.
Celebrate the Sacred Heart