Today's prayer.
Heavenly Father, You love me. Help me believe that every day. I cast all my worries, anxieties, and fears on You. Forgive me for trying to take things into my own hands.
As I read and reflect on Your Word, increase my faith in Your perfect love! In Jesus' name, amen.
We are here to love and serve.
Check us out every Sunday 10:30am - 12:30pm @Hilton Garden Inn 895 Cobb place Blvd NW Kennesaw GA.
Your friends, neighbors and family awaits you.
Here at Life Center Atlanta each one of us has a story of hard times, messes or pains we have gone through and thats why we exist to love and impact lives.
If you are in our community (Marietta / Powdersprings area) and don't have groceries, a new mother without diapers, facing utility disconnection or even going through a difficult time emotionally, privately contact us and we will pray, walk with you and gladly share what God has blessed us with.
Life Night Of Worship July 31st
Life Center Atlanta Worship Night July 31st
What are you struggling with alone ?
Life changing encounter.
Whats holding back ?