SJA Building Dedication Day | March 10, 2024
Last month Archbishop Lori came to St. Joan of Arc Parish (Aberdeen MD) and dedicated our new Chapel and Parish Life Center. This beautifully made short video captures some of the highlights of that joyful day in the life of our parish and PreK-8 school!
#stjoanwelcomes #wearesjastrong #ArchBalt
It’s Vacation Bible Camp Week! Our kids at SJA are having a great time! Can you hear them?
Another short video clip from our ecumenical CrossWalk in Aberdeen MD today! Several area churches joined to walk through the streets of Aberdeen and pray together on Good Friday. A friendly light lunch followed.
(Photos posted separately!)
#stjoanwelcomes #archbalt
From our ecumenical CrossWalk in Aberdeen MD today! Several area churches joined to walk through the streets of Aberdeen and pray together on Good Friday. A friendly light lunch followed.
(Photos posted separately!)
#stjoanwelcomes #archbalt
Earlier this week we said goodbye to the old storage shed. We are making room for our brand new Parish Life Center!
#stjoanwelcomes #archbalt #wearesjastrong
The earth is moving at St. Joan of Arc in Aberdeen!
#stjoanwelcomes #archbalt
CrossWalk 2022
It was great to see so many come out to pray together for our 2022 Ecumenical Good Friday CrossWalk! Here is a little video of all our beautiful Aberdeen people walking in the path of Jesus!
Fr. Willie and a couple of his staff took one for the team last week to "taste test" the meal options for our 100th Anniversary Gala! Check out this fun 2.5 min video detailing the suffering ... 😜
Get info and tickets for the Gala:
#stjoanwelcomes #aberdeenmd #bullerock
Lots of exciting events and opportunities to participate at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Aberdeen!
Jesus invites … St. Joan welcomes!
#stjoanwelcomes #harfordcounty #aberdeenmd
Trumpet Practice
Practicing earlier this week with one of our talented young musicians Kevin Ryan. Kevin will play trumpet this weekend at St. Joan Of Arc Catholic Church for the first time in 17 months at 8:30 Mass ... can’t wait to see you there!
(Thanks to Kevin’s mom Veronica L. Kearns Ryan for taking the video!)
(Interested in joint our music ministry? See )