Kaylee has watched the Lord bring comfort and healing to her school community in tragedy. We know that Jesus is the man of sorrows well aquatinted with grief. He comes near to the broken hearted and heals. He promised that if we would humble ourselves and pray, He would heal our land. Join Kaylee and students all across America today in praying for an end to suicide on the Claim Your Campus app.
#endtosuicide #prayforchange #prayerequalschange #pray #campusprayer #prayforendtosuicide #claimyourcampus #praymore
Join Daniel and students all across the country in praying for kindness between students on the Claim Your Campus app today!! Click the link in our bio to download the app and start a prayer group on your middle or high school campus! PRAYER = CHANGE!
#prayerequalschange #claimyourcampus #cyc #campusprayer #prayer #praymore #prayforschools
Let's make 2025 a year of prayer! Start the 21-Day Prayer Challenge on the app and create intentional rhythms of prayer in your life! PRAYER = CHANGE!
#prayerequalschange #prayer #prayergroups #challenge #21dayprayerchallenge
THERE IS MORE! Join us this year at The Gathering February 28th - March 2nd in Burleson, TX and be encouraged, trained, and commissioned to go back to your campus and pray for abundantly more than you could imagine because HE IS ABLE! Click the link in our bio to register! BE IN THE ROOM! You don’t want to miss this! #prayerequalschange #claimyourcampus #campusprayer #cyc #prayer #praymore #pray #thegathering #gather #conference
WHERE ARE WE HEADED?? We will be traveling to 16 states in 35 weeks time for the 10K Mile Tour! Here is where we are headed 2025-2026: Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska,Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming We are going to be connecting with students, pastors and ministry leaders to see prayer in every school across America but WE NEED YOU! You can pour into the next generation by being a Roadie! By pledging $2,500 to sponsor a week of the 10K Mile Tour you become a part of reaching the 1 million! Be a part of the student led prayer movement, BE A ROADIE! Visit https://claimyourcampus.com/10k-mile-tour/ to learn more! #prayerequalschange #tour #claimyourcampus #touring #campusprayer #tourroute #cyc #prayer #praymore #sponsor #prayerwarriors
Be a part of calling 1 million students to pray for their schools!! If you have been looking for a way to pour into the next generation, sponsoring a week of the 10K Mile Tour is a way you can have a hand in calling the next generation to pray and see change in their schools! Click the link in our bio to learn more about becoming a roadie! #prayerequalschange #claimyourcampus #campusprayer #prayer #cyc #prayforschools #prayerwarriors #sponsor #beapart
Be a part of the nationwide prayer movement… BE A ROADIE! 🙏🏼 You can be a part of calling the 1 million to start prayer groups in every school all across the country. Sponsor a week of the 10K Mile Tour and partner with us in reaching students in Western America! Click the link in our bio to learn more! #claimyourcampus #prayerequalschange #tour #cyc #tour2025 #campusprayer #praymore #sponsor #pray #prayforschools #prayerwarriors
WE ARE GOING ON TOUR!!! In 10,000 miles, 16 states will be reached in just 35 weeks, we call this, the 10,000 Mile Tour!
▫️Thousands are leaving public schools
▫️Reading and math scores for 8th graders are at their lowest in the past 15 years
▫️Teachers are struggling to reach students and face many challenges
▫️Schools are struggling to retain sufficient funding
▫️Mental illnesses, absenteeism, and bullying are on the rise
It can leave us feeling hopeless... But in the past year, our CYC team has been able to interact with 4,500+ students in person in the New England, Southeast, and Midwest areas. We are hopeful. It's time to break new ground in the West and partner with how God is already calling young people to pray!
Our team is looking for 35 'Roadies', financial supporters who will sponsor a week of travel for the 10,000 Mile Team by pledging to give $2,500 by July, 2025. If you believe that the harvest is plentiful and we need to send out these workers to schools, click link in our bio to become a roadie today! You can watch the full video and learn more about the 10,000 Mile Tour on our youtube!
#cyc #tour #prayerequalschange #roadtour #prayer #campusprayer #announcement #prayer #prayforchange #westtour #claimyourcampus
The questions that drives Claim Your Campus is what would happen if 1 MILLION students were praying weekly on every campus across America? We don’t only want to call you to pray we want to help TRAIN you!The Gathering is a time where you can come together with students from all over the country to be encouraged, trained, and commissioned to go back to your school and pray for change!! Students are the driving voice of this ministry and we want to pour back into you! Register today at https://claimyourcampus.com/thegathering/ #prayerequalschange #claimyourcampus #conference #register #discover #cyc #prayer #trending #praymore #prayforschools #prayerconference
We cant wait to worship with you all again next year at THE GATHERING! Join us in Texas along with students all across the nation who are passionate about prayer on schools for this powerful nationwide gathering! Be encouraged, trained, and comissioned to take prayer back to your middle and high school! Visit claimyourcampus.com/thegathering to learn more and REGISTER! We will see you in TX!
#prayerequalschange #prayer #claimyourcampus #conference #students #genz #worshipmoment #prayerinschools
Be a part of the nationwide student-led prayer movement! Start a prayer group on your campus and be intentional about praying for your school! Download the Claim Your Campus App and start praying TODAY! #prayerequalschange #claimyourcampus #cyc #campusprayer #prayer #pray #prayforschools #prayerwarriors
Some Monday motivation to KEEP GOING!! Daniel is a Senior who is currently praying weekly for his high school and has seen God’s faithfulness! When we pray God listens and answers every time! So KEEP PRAYING! God is moving even if you don’t see it right now! 🙏🏼 #prayerequalschange #claimyourcampus #cyc #campusprayer #prayer #praymore #prayforschools #genz