Why Abraham Was Able to Gain God’s Blessing
📜📜📜📜 https://www.holyspiritspeaks.org/gospel/abraham-offers-isaac/?source=omq7_zy513&num=9750032&team=1d
In the age of the Old Testament, when God commanded Abraham to offer his son as a burnt offering, Abraham obeyed His command with complete obedience. However, in the end God didn’t ask Abraham to kill Isaac at all. Instead God promised He would make Abraham’s descendants a great nation. Would you like to know why God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, only to stop Abraham when he raised his knife to slay his son and why God then lavished blessings upon Abraham?
🗯🗯💬 https://m.me/OnlyGodTrulyLovesMankind?ref=social--omq7_zy513num=1777973
If you want to get the answer to this question, please click the blue link to read God’s words."