This #CyberMonday all of our books by Doug Greenwold are available on our website at our new low prices. Doug’s approach was not that of a preacher but of a scholar with his feet on the ground, exploring the mindset of the first-century-agrarian-Hebrew-villager. Immerse yourself in the world of #Biblical context here: #BiblicalContext #BibleStudy #Context #Bible
2 Crowns Viewing: Christ the King Sunday
As today is Christ the King Sunday, we want to remind you of a very helpful free video resource we offer on our website, 2 Crowns: King Herod vs. King Jesus, along with study questions to be used with your church, Bible study or small group.
2 Crowns juxtaposes, or compares and contrasts, the kingship of King Herod the Great and the Kingship of Jesus in the first century. The historic, geographical and cultural context of Jesus’ earthly ministry are essential parts of His full story and eminently useful in gaining a fuller understanding of that time and place. We invite you to travel with us to then and there by exploring four of the most significant sites in the history of Israel. Stunning photography and insightful commentary from Dr. John Bernbaum combine to make this 30-minute video the next best thing to time travel!
As today is Christ the King Sunday, we want to remind you of a very helpful free video resource we offer on our website, 2 Crowns: King Herod vs. King Jesus, along with study questions to be used with your church, Bible study or small group.
2 Crowns juxtaposes, or compares and contrasts, the kingship of King Herod the Great and the Kingship of Jesus in the first century. The historic, geographical and cultural context of Jesus’ earthly ministry are essential parts of His full story and eminently useful in gaining a fuller understanding of that time and place. We invite you to travel with us to then and there by exploring four of the most significant sites in the history of Israel. Stunning photography and insightful commentary from Dr. John Bernbaum combine to make this 30-minute video the next best thing to time travel!
Becoming a Judean Shepherd by Doug Greenwold first appeared in print in 2013 and was published with children in mind. After a warm response from an international audience, Doug chose to share the same shepherding insights with adults. These insights are rich with servant leadership principals and provide meaningful Psalm 23 glimpses into the immensity and constancy of God’s care. We are pleased to offer the material now in audio form.
Becoming a Judean Shepherd Audiobook
Becoming a Judean Shepherd by Doug Greenwold first appeared in print in 2013 and was published with children in mind. After a warm response from an international audience, Doug chose to share the same shepherding insights with adults. These insights are rich with servant leadership principals and provide meaningful Psalm 23 glimpses into the immensity and constancy of God’s care. We are pleased to offer the material now in audio form.
The #Bible: Its #Land & #Culture, Session 4, is now available! Session 4 includes #Galilee aerial videos, and Doug Greenwold’s #BiblicalContext teaching, cultural vignettes, and #Biblicalculture. Purchase Session 4 here: #BiblicalContext #contextmatters #biblestudy #BibleVisuals
Want to know more about #Bethlehem, where #Jesus was born, and learn more about #biblicalcontext and #Biblestudy? Get access to streaming videos like “The #Bible and #TheLand”, available at the Preserving Bible Times website! This unique, narrated helicopter overflight of #Israel integrates the sweeping story of #Scripture with the #land where it happened. #BibleVisuals ideal for use as a #bibleteaching tool for #smallgroups and #Bibleclasses. #biblecontext #biblicalcontext #christmas2022 #nativity
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This twentieth audio is called “#work”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This nineteenth audio is called “#poverty”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This eighteenth audio is called “#doandteach”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This seventeenth audio is called “#Pharisees”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This sixteenth audio is called “#sinmanagement”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Disappointing Delays is now available to stream at Preserving Bible Times here! Originally a presentation at Christ Memorial Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan, this 2011 teaching by Doug Greenwold analyzes John 11 and Jesus’ raising of #Lazarus and the momentous event this single act precipitated. Doug’s insights into Mary and Martha and the real reason why Jesus waited that extra two days are persuasive evidence of just how context reveals the breadth, depth and power of Scripture in its originally intended meaning. Video is in standard definition and running time is just over 26 minutes. #BiblicalContext #biblestudy #BibleVisuals #biblicaltruth #Bible
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This fifteenth audio is called “#TheOutCrowd”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This fourteenth audio is called “#neighbors”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This thirteenth audio is called “#hospitality”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This twelfth audio is called “#TheCommunity”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This eleventh audio is called “#TheLand”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this second installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on The Jewish Mind of Jesus’ Day. This tenth audio is called “#history”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources #biblestudy #Bible #BibleVisuals Broken Road Radio Jim Park
Digging Deeper Series #17
Check out our new #Biblical #Context #resource, in this third installment of our #DiggingDeeper Series on #FavoritePassages. This seventeenth audio is called “#RightHand”. We hope you enjoy! Visit us at for more #BiblicalContext #resources. Broken Road Radio Jim Park #biblestudy #BibleVisuals #context #BibleinaYear