Grace Community Church Ashburn

Grace Community Church Ashburn We are a community that is overwhelmed by God's grace! Nothing defines us more than the truth that Go

A member of Sovereign Grace Churches


Team Grace serves at the Casa De Esperanza orphanage in the mountains of western Bolivia.

Churches sending:
• Grace Community Church in Ashburn, VA, USA —
• Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, MD, USA —

Ministry to prostitutes:
• Word Made Flesh in El Alto, Bolivia —

Orphanage / children's home:
• Casa De Esperanza in Caranavi, Bolivia —

Thanks to Sarah Pride for producing this series. The videos are duplicated on this channel for ease of use, and the originals may be found on her channel at


Team Grace ventures up to the orphanage by way of a treacherous mountain pass... with a name that isn't very encouraging.

About the Ruta:

Churches sending:
• Grace Community Church in Ashburn, VA, USA —
• Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, MD, USA —

Orphanage / children's home:
• Casa De Esperanza in Caranavi, Bolivia —

Thanks to Sarah Pride for producing this series. The videos are duplicated on this channel for ease of use, and the originals may be found on her channel at


After a few long flights, Team Grace is finally on the ground in Bolivia. Literally, on the ground!

Churches sending:
• Grace Community Church in Ashburn, VA, USA —
• Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, MD, USA —

Ministry to prostitutes:
• Word Made Flesh in El Alto, Bolivia —

Orphanage / children's home:
• Casa De Esperanza in Caranavi, Bolivia —

Thanks to Sarah Pride for producing this series. The videos are duplicated on this channel for ease of use, and the originals may be found on her channel at


Team Grace is going to Bolivia! No, Tim, we're not driving there...

Churches sending:
• Grace Community Church in Ashburn, VA, USA —
• Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, MD, USA —

Ministry to prostitutes:
• Word Made Flesh in El Alto, Bolivia —

Orphanage / children's home:
• Casa De Esperanza in Caranavi, Bolivia —

Thanks to Sarah Pride for producing this series. The videos are duplicated on this channel for ease of use, and the originals may be found on her channel at


Here's a great recap of our time in Bolivia with our Spanish-speaking sister church, Iglesia Gracia Soberana!

Churches sending:
• Grace Community Church in Ashburn, VA, USA —
• Iglesia Gracia Soberana in Gaithersburg, MD, USA —

Ministry to prostitutes:
• Word Made Flesh in El Alto, Bolivia —

Orphanage / children's home:
• Casa De Esperanza in Caranavi, Bolivia —

Thanks to Sarah Pride for producing this series. The videos are duplicated on this channel for ease of use, and the originals may be found on her channel at

How can a biblically conservative ("right wing") person think about and do mercy ministry ("social justice")? Our pastor...

How can a biblically conservative ("right wing") person think about and do mercy ministry ("social justice")? Our pastor talked about that today in a message that I think many of you would enjoy... even if you don't think you're into that kind of thing.🙂 Here that is:

"Liberating the Lowly" by Bob Donohue Date: 2018-09-09 Text: Isaiah 58:1-14 Series: n/a Download MessageDownload our classes on Narrative Theology and Creation

Mike and Bob on June 3, 2018

Mike and Bob on June 3, 2018

Based on today's passage, visiting pastor Mike Dickson encouraged us toward greater sexual integrity, and shared some st...

Based on today's passage, visiting pastor Mike Dickson encouraged us toward greater sexual integrity, and shared some strategies to help us to stay on track.

Mike Dickson is a pastor and Director of Community Outreach at Solid Rock Church in Riverdale, MD. A native of the Washington metro area, Mike became a believer shortly after graduating high school. He served in the military and then worked in the corporate world before joining the staff of Solid Ro...

In Psalm 38, David seems to be suffering for no obvious reason. Visiting pastor Mike McKinley discusses how David proces...

In Psalm 38, David seems to be suffering for no obvious reason. Visiting pastor Mike McKinley discusses how David processed this difficulty in today's helpful message.

a. He accepts God’s discipline and asks for mercy b. He acknowledged God’s knowledge and presence c. He waits for the Lord d. He confesses his sin

"LOVE, not law, is what makes us holy." "The gospel is a biblical romance — a prince rescuing his bride so they can live...

"LOVE, not law, is what makes us holy." "The gospel is a biblical romance — a prince rescuing his bride so they can live happily ever after." Sound interesting? Check out yesterday's message here!

…from there through to the end of chapter 5, Paul unfolds for us a way of getting right with God. It is absolutely stunning. It is the furthest thing from a moral improvement program. It is the furthest thing from better rule keeping or more disciplined living or being nicer people or getting our ...

"You can come out of your tomb because Jesus came out of His." This thought, regarding literal and metaphorical tombs, i...

"You can come out of your tomb because Jesus came out of His." This thought, regarding literal and metaphorical tombs, is from yesterday's message, which you can hear here!

The effect in [Christ] is the measure of how seriously God takes our rebellion and crookedness. We typically wish to make light of our ‘shortcomings,’ to explain away our ‘mistakes.’ But God will have none of it. The refusal of humanity to bow to the Creator’s rule, and our insistence on d...

Recent messages have been posted! And boy are there some good ones in there! 🙂 Check them out below, and be sure to join...

Recent messages have been posted! And boy are there some good ones in there! 🙂 Check them out below, and be sure to join us for our Easter morning service tomorrow! Looking forward to seeing you there, and we hope you have a blessed weekend remembering the victory of Jesus over sin and death on our behalf.

March 25, 2018 by gccashbn Soldiers & Slaves 2018-03-25 • Bob Donohue • Romans 6:12-23 Play / Download Message Audios for Greg Williams’ Narrative Theology class are here 1. Soldiers Don’t Fight for the Enemy, v.13-14 2. Slaves Don’t Serve Two Masters, v.15-23 Continue reading


"Much more... much more... all the more" has grace abounded to us through Christ than condemnation through Adam (Rom. 5:15,17,20). What a savior we have! This message is highly recommended and available at

Are you patient with God's timing? Do you feel tired of waiting? This week's message touches on that, and we hope you fi...

Are you patient with God's timing? Do you feel tired of waiting? This week's message touches on that, and we hope you find it to be helpful!

“Almost surely this was a scroll that contained their names as signatories to some sort of statement of their commitment to Yahweh in faith that they were disassociating themselves from the prevailing sins, that his promises were reliable, and that his covenant was to be kept. In other words, this...

Our visiting speaker today shared a great message on our need as believers to experience the power of the Spirit. Video ...

Our visiting speaker today shared a great message on our need as believers to experience the power of the Spirit. Video and audio for that are here!

“The humility of the Spirit in relationship to the work of the Son is not a reason to inquire no further about His own person and character. After all, if we love a modest person, we want to know all we possibly can about that person and to praise him or her! Similarly, the ministry of the Spirit ...

We were reminded from Malachi today that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves in the area of sanctification. ...

We were reminded from Malachi today that God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves in the area of sanctification. Videos and *amplified* audio for that are now up! (Previous weeks are up also.)

Bob Donohue is the senior pastor of Grace Community Church. He graduated from the Sovereign Grace Pastors College in 1999, and planting Grace Community in 2001. As the senior pastor, Bob oversees teaching, leadership development and family ministry. He and his wife, Lori, have been married for twent...

We've kicked off the new year with a convicting message from Malachi (consider: Are you giving God leftovers, or your be...

We've kicked off the new year with a convicting message from Malachi (consider: Are you giving God leftovers, or your best? Ouch.). Check it out below!

When you become so blind that the maker of galaxies and ruler of nations and knower of all mysteries and lover of our souls becomes boring, then only one thing is left—the love of the world. For the heart is always restless. It must have its treasure: if not in heaven, then on the earth. — Jo....

Today's message on how God has expressed His love to us through the gospel has been posted! Check it out here....

Today's message on how God has expressed His love to us through the gospel has been posted! Check it out here....

Bob Donohue is the senior pastor of Grace Community Church. He graduated from the Sovereign Grace Pastors College in 1999, and planting Grace Community in 2001. As the senior pastor, Bob oversees teaching, leadership development and family ministry. He and his wife, Lori, have been married for twent...

Bob's helpful message, "Joy in the Unenjoyable", is up in both audio and video! Among other things, he encourages us to ...

Bob's helpful message, "Joy in the Unenjoyable", is up in both audio and video! Among other things, he encourages us to rejoice in our trials, according to today's passage, knowing that they are necessary to produce godly character. Hope you enjoy!

Eph. 3:16-19 — “…that according to the riches of [God’s] glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may have strength to comprehend wit...


"[Faith] is friends with grace... It texts grace all the time, and sends it cute little emojis." - Bob Donohue, from the message, "It Depends on Faith" 🤭

Sunday's message, "It Depends on Faith", is up! Bob makes several helpful observations from Rom. 4:13-25, which is follo...

Sunday's message, "It Depends on Faith", is up! Bob makes several helpful observations from Rom. 4:13-25, which is followed on our patio by the testimony and baptism of a new member (see video). We hope you enjoy!

Genesis 17:7-8 — “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you. And I will give to you and to your offspring after you the land of your sojournings, all the…

Today's class by Greg on Narrative Theology, and Bob's message on the gospel from Romans 3:27-4:12, are up! http://grace...

Today's class by Greg on Narrative Theology, and Bob's message on the gospel from Romans 3:27-4:12, are up!

So “blessed are you” does not mean “untroubled are you” or “healthy are you” or “admired are you” or “prosperous are you.” It means “between you and God all is well.” You are deeply secure, profoundly content, happy in God – even if you are weeping over the pain of a struck body, a perplexed mind, o...


Visiting speaker Devon Kauflin's message from Jude 3 is now available in both video and audio! Here it is, along with links to Greg's interesting classes on Narrative Theology.....

Audios for Greg Williams’ Narrative Theology class are here Video for today’s class are forthcoming. Previous classes are here Youtube playlist; see note above; the 10/29/17 class is available in audio only Download outlines: 1, 2, 3


Bob's next message in the Romans series, entitled "Propitiation", is now available! Video is on the way, and def see the notes for this one at the very least. Hope you enjoy!

A hurricane is coming that will make any earthly hurricane look like a gentle Spring rain. Can you see the sky? It’s been revealed. It will be world wide, and will even reach back into history. It will not be downgraded to a tropical storm.


Bob spoke on a foundational passage yesterday! Please take time to enjoy this one this week, if you can. "But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it—the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith. This was to show God's righteousness, because in his divine forbearance he had passed over former sins."

"But Now" by Bob Donohue Date: 2017-08-27 Text: Romans 3:21-25 Romans SeriesDownload Announcements / MessageVideo forthcoming


Sunday's message by John Loftness is up! Here's the link for the audio, and a video is on the way.

"Desperate" by John Loftness Date: 2017-08-06 Text: Romans 2:17-29 Guest SpeakerDownload Message(distortion resolves after 3:30)Video forthcoming


Bob's' message from Sunday is up! Click below for that, and an encouraging testimony during the announcements. We don't have a video for today, but the one for last week's popular message has just been posted, in case you missed that.

"Partial Partiality" by Bob Donohue Date: 2017-07-30 Text: Romans 2:12-16 Romans SeriesDownload Announcements / MessageVideo unavailable


Our Father's Day message is up! The text is from Hosea 11, in which we see God acting as loving father on our behalf, to deliver us from ultimate harm.

God is angry at what keeps us from Him, at these idols, and He is going to do something about it. This is what a father does: He acts. A father is moved, not just in his emotions, but he gets up, protects, delivers, and saves.


Bob's message from this morning is up, along with today's announcements and a link to the excellent closing song! The video is on the way.

Date: 2017-06-04 – Text: Romans 1:18-23 – Series: Romans // 1. Why God’s Wrath is Being Revealed // 2. Ways Man Suppresses the Truth: A. Ingratitude, B. Idolatry


Sunday's message by Bob has been posted! Video should be up Saturday evening.

Psalm 16:1-11 -- "As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones,
in whom is all my delight." (v.3)


Guest speaker Bill Patton's message about the authority of Christ is now online!

Text: Luke 8:26-39 — Jesus has all authority over all spiritual forces of wickedness, and he will bring them to certain and final judgment.


Bill Patton's Mother's Day message is now online! From the gospel of Luke he observed that while the women proclaimed the resurrection, the men were filled with doubt. When Jesus appeared to the men, He corrected them: “Oh foolish ones, slow of heart to believe”.

In the ancient world, Christianity was mocked for being too pro-women! That is a far cry from what one hears in cultural conversations today. // We wouldn’t be here today if it weren't for countless faithful women throughout history.

The video for Alan Redrup's message is now on our website! We can't post it here because it includes a copyrighted movie...

The video for Alan Redrup's message is now on our website! We can't post it here because it includes a copyrighted movie clip.

We fight sin most effectively when we are most conscious that we have been forgiven. That's when we have the high ground on the battlefield. When we are free from condemnation, we are free to forget what lies behind, and [to] press on toward the goal


We are looking for anyone who is interested in joining the Welcome Team! For more info or if you are interested in serving please contact James Parks. We are also looking for anyone who may be interested in helping the Media Team with audio and video activities on occasional Sundays. If you have any questions, please contact Trone.


22377 Belmont Ridge Road
Ashburn, VA

Opening Hours

10am - 12pm


(703) 858-7800


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