At 8:46am, September 11, 2001 evil men unleashed their grotesque and dastardly plan that took down the Twin Towers and part of the Pentagon, ending the lives of 2,996 innocent people.
The world watched in horror as unthinkable events unfolded. Even now our hearts ache for those who lost their lives and for the loved-ones left behind. Our grief will last a lifetime, we will never forget!
Evil’s striving against God was on full display on 9/11; yet to no avail, because immediately following those heinous acts love, grace and mercy rushed in. As people fled the towers hero’s of all sorts came to help those in need. The same stairs that were frantically descended were also hastily ascended by selfless souls coming to help their fellow citizens. Service members ran into the Pentagon to assist afflicted comrades with no regard for their own safety. Brave men and women stood their ground and rushed the cockpit of Flight 93, giving their lives so that others could live. These acts of love are of the highest order.
Love won on 9/11. Acknowledging this will not take away our grief, but it brings hope to our aching hearts. As we reflect back on the horrible acts of evil perpetrated on September 11th let us honor those who perished by choosing acts of love in their memory.
God bless you, and God bless America!