CBOM July 20, 2024
5 Salvations 💥🔥❤️🔥🙌💯✝️
Quinn & the filling of Holy Spirit flowing in tongues!!!!
Desere’ ♥️♥️♥️ Desiree asked for prayer but she couldn’t leave her spot on the sidewalk down Dunlevy so we came out to pray for her after we closed up the tables. It was totally divine that we even remembered after this amazing night but when we did come pray for her within a few minutes, she was just sobbing and bawling and rocking back-and-forth, and we prayed and prayed all three of us, Michael, Dave, and I, until I finally had the pleasure of leading her to Jesus And giving her Bibles. It was the most phenomenal experience. It felt like how it was when I first started doing Outreach! I truly hungry heart, broken, looking for healing longing for the lover of her soul💯🔥♥️❤️🔥💥
So special to meet Kenny tonight who’s lost his ID for 2 1/2 months now so we’re praying for that to be returned to him and he just has such a positive attitude no matter what! He was just smiling and cheerful no matter what comes his way he’s an example to all of us! You’ll see him in a photo with Dave.
Later on, Wayne came out with his big smile as well, and we had a visit from Rajah whom we met last week from Srilanka who works at the cell phone store a few doors down. He said Jesus is the answer. Jesus is coming soon! 👏🔥🙌✝️
Well, the devil attacked me before heading out to Outreach with sickness so we couldn’t leave as early as we wanted to beat the fireworks traffic and then there was an accident on the freeway we were on (but we were safe). I realized I had that attack because it was gonna be such such a phenomenal night!! And you never give the devil a foothold or he knows how to get you… so you rebuke sickness & stand strong💪
Had a whole team of people waiting for me when I got there hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
We had Ruth and her friend Debbie with Debbie ‘s husband David. David turned out to be an excellent prayer warrior and asset to the team. Michael got his car back on the road and was back with the gang again as an amazing spiritual support as he usually is, and of course we had Rob the faithful, Dave and myself. It was really such a good night. It’s one of those nights you have a hard time leaving and are looking forward to doing it again!!! In fact, there were so many people to pray for it was just a steady stream of prayer needs all night long and then at the end we couldn’t even leave after we gave the excess of bread to the shelter as there was even more to pray for! 🤯🙌 The Holy Spirit is at work! This is exactly what I’ve been praying for 🔥That the Holy Spirit would move in power and peoples hearts and lives would be changed, and there’d be a demonstrative show his power and presence💥💥💥💥💥 we stayed until we could could hear the fireworks at English Bay in the background 🎆
We also had a visit from Mickey and Cait! They’re so adorable and encouraging. I shared a bit about my heavenly perspective on the suffering of going through cancer this year while being newlyweds and then Mickey & Cait said, “you’re so strong Crystal and you’ve touched a lot of lives, you have no idea!” What a blessing this young couple are!💯🙌👏💗❤️🔥♥️
There’s photo showing a man digging in the garbage… there’s such great need here 🙏🙏🙏
And what really touched my heart was the African-American man lying on two cardboard strips and a hospital blanket without cardboard or a pillow for his head. He turned and saw me walk past him and then he looked again with searching eyes and I felt the spirit leading us to go pray for him. He already knows Jesus, he’s just a beautiful soul, lying on theconcrete ground reaching his hand out to mine blessing us for blessing him with a big smile on his face.🙏🥲
I’m just stoked to get back to Outreach and see the increase, the power of His presence, the healing & salvation that only God can bring! All you’ve gotta do is step out in faith, becken your ear to hear the whispering of the Holy Spirit and open your mouth and see what he will do with it! His wonders never cease. His kingdom never ends💥💥💥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥✝️✝️✝️🔥🔥🔥♥️
It was a pleasure to barbeque for our sandwich team Friday night! Thanks to Annabelle, Ana, Michael, Jesse, Karen. Praise the Lord if we didn’t have a sandwich team, we wouldn’t have a platform to present the love of Jesus to others. This is an act of service to the Lord. This is the work of our hands that display his glory- it is not to be looked on lightly or minimized, service is foundational and fun 🤩 💯💪👏💗✝️