Crystal Batke Outreach Ministries

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Crystal Batke Outreach Ministries CBOM: to seek & save the lost for Jesus and be NT disciples for such a time as this! Esther4:14💥♥️✝️

CBOM July 20, 20245 Salvations 💥🔥❤️‍🔥🙌💯✝️Cody JeffFraserQuinn & the filling of Holy Spirit flowing in tongues!!!! Desere...

CBOM July 20, 2024
5 Salvations 💥🔥❤️‍🔥🙌💯✝️
Quinn & the filling of Holy Spirit flowing in tongues!!!!
Desere’ ♥️♥️♥️ Desiree asked for prayer but she couldn’t leave her spot on the sidewalk down Dunlevy so we came out to pray for her after we closed up the tables. It was totally divine that we even remembered after this amazing night but when we did come pray for her within a few minutes, she was just sobbing and bawling and rocking back-and-forth, and we prayed and prayed all three of us, Michael, Dave, and I, until I finally had the pleasure of leading her to Jesus And giving her Bibles. It was the most phenomenal experience. It felt like how it was when I first started doing Outreach! I truly hungry heart, broken, looking for healing longing for the lover of her soul💯🔥♥️❤️‍🔥💥

So special to meet Kenny tonight who’s lost his ID for 2 1/2 months now so we’re praying for that to be returned to him and he just has such a positive attitude no matter what! He was just smiling and cheerful no matter what comes his way he’s an example to all of us! You’ll see him in a photo with Dave.
Later on, Wayne came out with his big smile as well, and we had a visit from Rajah whom we met last week from Srilanka who works at the cell phone store a few doors down. He said Jesus is the answer. Jesus is coming soon! 👏🔥🙌✝️
Well, the devil attacked me before heading out to Outreach with sickness so we couldn’t leave as early as we wanted to beat the fireworks traffic and then there was an accident on the freeway we were on (but we were safe). I realized I had that attack because it was gonna be such such a phenomenal night!! And you never give the devil a foothold or he knows how to get you… so you rebuke sickness & stand strong💪
Had a whole team of people waiting for me when I got there hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!
We had Ruth and her friend Debbie with Debbie ‘s husband David. David turned out to be an excellent prayer warrior and asset to the team. Michael got his car back on the road and was back with the gang again as an amazing spiritual support as he usually is, and of course we had Rob the faithful, Dave and myself. It was really such a good night. It’s one of those nights you have a hard time leaving and are looking forward to doing it again!!! In fact, there were so many people to pray for it was just a steady stream of prayer needs all night long and then at the end we couldn’t even leave after we gave the excess of bread to the shelter as there was even more to pray for! 🤯🙌 The Holy Spirit is at work! This is exactly what I’ve been praying for 🔥That the Holy Spirit would move in power and peoples hearts and lives would be changed, and there’d be a demonstrative show his power and presence💥💥💥💥💥 we stayed until we could could hear the fireworks at English Bay in the background 🎆
We also had a visit from Mickey and Cait! They’re so adorable and encouraging. I shared a bit about my heavenly perspective on the suffering of going through cancer this year while being newlyweds and then Mickey & Cait said, “you’re so strong Crystal and you’ve touched a lot of lives, you have no idea!” What a blessing this young couple are!💯🙌👏💗❤️‍🔥♥️
There’s photo showing a man digging in the garbage… there’s such great need here 🙏🙏🙏
And what really touched my heart was the African-American man lying on two cardboard strips and a hospital blanket without cardboard or a pillow for his head. He turned and saw me walk past him and then he looked again with searching eyes and I felt the spirit leading us to go pray for him. He already knows Jesus, he’s just a beautiful soul, lying on theconcrete ground reaching his hand out to mine blessing us for blessing him with a big smile on his face.🙏🥲
I’m just stoked to get back to Outreach and see the increase, the power of His presence, the healing & salvation that only God can bring! All you’ve gotta do is step out in faith, becken your ear to hear the whispering of the Holy Spirit and open your mouth and see what he will do with it! His wonders never cease. His kingdom never ends💥💥💥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥✝️✝️✝️🔥🔥🔥♥️
It was a pleasure to barbeque for our sandwich team Friday night! Thanks to Annabelle, Ana, Michael, Jesse, Karen. Praise the Lord if we didn’t have a sandwich team, we wouldn’t have a platform to present the love of Jesus to others. This is an act of service to the Lord. This is the work of our hands that display his glory- it is not to be looked on lightly or minimized, service is foundational and fun 🤩 💯💪👏💗✝️

CBOM💥 July 13, 20243 Salvations! 🙌💥🙏♥️💯😍❤️‍🔥Samantha (it’s her birthday today and on it she’s received a second birthday...

CBOM💥 July 13, 2024
3 Salvations! 🙌💥🙏♥️💯😍❤️‍🔥
Samantha (it’s her birthday today and on it she’s received a second birthday of eternal life!)
Asha (& for freedom from her addictions)
Shane (& then he went down to Potters’s house!)

🙏 for Naomi she’s so sweet. She was baptized at a Christian camp years ago obviously although now addicted to drugs, but just an adorable person. Please pray for her deliverance and freedom. She reminded me of when I first started doing Outreach since she was so sweet and hungry for love.
Carl kept telling us how much he loves us tonight! He asked for prayer for his court case as he’s being evicted and wanted to help out in any way. He started picking up garbage so I asked him to pick up the garbage around here and he went down Hastings and picked up there, then cleaned up the whole block of Dunlevy! It was absolutely phenomenal!
So… last eve I prayed for help and 🥁 two people came to offer their services to me tonight to help me in anyway they could! Carl and a gal called Chloe, who wants to help with donations, supplies, connecting people with closing 🤯🙌💯
Then Jadeeshan Rajah from Sri Lanka, only been here one month, works at the pawnshop two down across Dunlevy loves the work we’re doing, it’s positive and helps the people, says he trust us. So many people come into the shop looking for missing family members. We directed him to go to his Strathcona Vineyard and prayed with him. He says he’s studying the Bible.
Both Chloe and Raga asked for my contacts to be in touch with me. You’ll see how clean the street was after Carl cleaned it and one of the pics. Dave wanted to show in another picture how empty the table was by 9 PM as so much had been given out by then! There was great to have Shae and Heavenly come out tonight. And a big thanks to Rob for bringing four waters, as much as we brought, so a total of eight cases of water were given out tonight. thank you, Jesus how you move in mysterious ways, answering our prayers as we ask in boldness and in faith, you’re a good father who gives generously.
We love you, Lord with all our hearts

CBOM💥July 6/24Salvation:🙌MichaelA woman named Diane was looking for her niece named Melody Pray for Melody to be found a...

CBOM💥July 6/24
A woman named Diane was looking for her niece named Melody
Pray for Melody to be found again.
Young man named Liam came for prayer, pray for his wife and daughter and complete freedom from addictions in both their lives. He is weaning himself off opioids by using morphine, lowering his dose on Monday 🙏🙏🙏
Pray for a Frenchman named Danielle who’s got no legs- one due to an artery exploding and he wasn’t even using when his artery exploded! Then his other big toenail got infected, and the doctor wouldn’t remove the toenail so all his toes turned into gangrene and they cut that leg off too🥲 pray for his healing in for a safe place to live for this pensioner. Favour with BC housing and prosthetic legs.
Then we went to the lookout shelter to drop off bread and got the lowdown on a few resources from a staff member named Donna such as:
When Nelson has surgery for the cancer on his jaw, he can recover at a place called Granville Respite
To contact housing first then a social worker
And for Danielle to get housing in his wheelchair, the Lookout of the Al Mitchell Place is equipped to take him. Granville Respite is equipped to take him.
This was a very productive end to a busy evening with four volunteers and three tables to manage with extra desserts and clothing, shoes, blankets there was less time to pray for people but the Lord’s work was done. There were a lot more women tonight than most nights and some of them were pretty angry at each other at times but not at us… mostly lol anyways God bless and I hope to see more of you out next week. Be great to see more volunteers out, but thank you Jesus for giving me the strength to come tonight even after throwing up this morning from my last round of chemo. Hallelujah oh and a big thanks to the Friday evening sandwich team! Two people, Jesse and Karen come in from Point Roberts. Michael worked construction all day and took the bus to help Dave pick up the bread. And we had another visit from our dear Ana! And for those of you who don’t know, we have Rob Dow driving in from Whistler every Saturday night, & Ruth busing in from Coquitlam. What a stellar team of committed disciples, real mature, godly Christians, who drive long distances just to serve their king🤩🤩 🙌💥💥♥️💯♥️🙏🫶👏👏✝️✝️

CBOM 🇨🇦June 29, 2024 1 SalvationAnother Jeremy (🙏break oppression)Prayer requests: Luke- he grew up with Mormon foster p...

CBOM 🇨🇦June 29, 2024
1 Salvation
Another Jeremy (🙏break oppression)
Prayer requests: Luke- he grew up with Mormon foster parents who mistreated him. He came and openly told me his story and received prayer. He prays all the time, please pray for his inner healing from the trauma.
Pray for Evelyn, wearing the birthday hat in the photo, she turned 62 today! She asked for prayer for her alcoholism and for her brother’s drug addiction and for deliverance as her demons manifested during the prayer.
Pray for Susie with all the burns on her face so that she’s missing most of her nose and also part of her hand. Pray for Susie‘s healing and restoration. She always has such a good attitude, dressed in pink in her wheelchair, what a sweetie. She’s the last person I wanted to ask to move her wheelchair over so we could set up tables, but she did and went around and got some clothes.
Pray for the whole community that the Lord would restore the years that the locust has eaten, and the canker worm has destroyed, and build again their foundation and HEAL this land! Amen?! 🔥🔥🔥
Thank you, Jesus for our new friend Wayne. Two years ago some people prayed for him on the street and he was healed from cancer! The doctor also adjusted his medication. He is cancer free today and wears a constant big relaxed smile😁

So many people were so thankful tonight 💗so much more than normal!!! I mean, a lot, a lot. I really helps. It encourages us to get out to Outreach when ya don’t feel so well to have people appreciate us like this! It really is a reward in itself to feel the love given back . It IS more blessed to give and receive 💯♥️ Others were disappointed when the sandwiches ran out as we gave out 300 sandwiches in 2 hours. If we had more helpers on Friday evening, we could make 400 sandwiches so please come out and be a part of this blessing story. Don’t be discouraged. The Lord is at hand. This week for the first time ever we used up all the bread to make the sandwiches! There was no sliceable bread to give out .
For a while there it was just Dave and I making the sandwiches last eve so thank the Lord my chemo was delayed a week. But around 9 o’clock, Annabelle arrived and then about an hour later, what do you know but Terry and Ana walked in. Dave had just been mentioning them when we picked up Cobbs 🤯 We had an extra special donation this week… About a month ago I met the volunteer who sends glasses to his ministry in Africa, so I prayed the Lord would give glasses to our street people as they need glasses too 🙏and 🥁 we received glasses 👓 donations tonight🤩 the Lord answered prayer 🙏💥🙌 Dave was thrilled to finally serve Clamato tomato juice tonight, we found people either loved it or did not, no middle ground there lol😝😆🍅
And I’m so thankful for my darling husband who loads and unloads the car every night as seen in the last picture, it’s kinda like going camping every Saturday night 😝

CBOM💥June 22, 20243 Salvations:(Crystal)  CamillaTylerMemphis (as soon as he received, and said the name of Jesus immedi...

CBOM💥June 22, 2024
3 Salvations:(Crystal)

Memphis (as soon as he received, and said the name of Jesus immediately his back straightened, & he sat up strong & tall on his bike)🔥🔥🔥
1 more salvation: Heavenly led Starlight to Jesus 🙌 hallelujah✝️
Ron shared gospel with the drug dealer who’s only 17, Drew (Andrew) supporting himself as a minor🤯 you talked with him in length and build a friendship in a relationship with them. I was just overjoyed to see this going on. It was really beautiful and it was a two-way conversation. It was great to see the interaction and the holy spirit leading thank you Jesus.
Samantha came back. She says she’s hasn’t taken he**in in a week! Praise the Lord hallelujah she said the scripture I gave her last week to read Psalm 34 was basically the story of her life and has been reading it over and over and over again this week with the Bible, we gave her thank you Jesus you’re so good. You’re so right you’re so truly your word is faithful ,never disappoints
🙏 for Sandra her family and that her cat babysitter would return her cat, Shadow to her. She doesn’t know why she’s tired and sleeps all day and all night so pray for her health and healing.
We had two new volunteers tonight both by the name of Ron lol 😝 thank you Heavenly for inviting your friends
I met a woman named Kim tonight who said something I’ve never heard on the downtown East side. She loves the place she lives in just a block away!! She’s made her little apartment and oasis in this wasteland hallelujah. She was such a blessing to us. Such a joy to 🙏 with. 😊
And another blessing tonight- we received a donation $50!!! It’s become rare that we get monetary donations but they sure help to buy supplies. If you want to donate please E transfer to [email protected]. Hallelujah thank you Jesus you are the God who provides. Later an 18 wheeler truck with a massive red cab pulled up! Just like the truck in my dream. The truck of provision. Hallelujah
My heart was especially touched with each person I got to pray for tonight, I was moved with love for them, and it was just extra special. I’ve been praying for this, that it wouldn’t be routine but meaningful. Also, all week I’ve been praying for the main drug dealer re being rushed off the corner last week so I’ve been dispensing the angels and asking the Lord to move, so there wouldn’t be a territory war because God has given me this Corner💥 So - God moved! 🙌 There was no one on the corner when we got there, not even down the strip where the head drug dealer sets up and waits to take the corner!! There was literally no one there 🤯we had free access with no interference all night long! 👏 🙌 at one point there was about five truck dealers just circling the corner, but no one trying to take it. It’s holy ground. It’s dedicated Holy Spirit land 💯🔥♥️So many, I mean so many of them were so thankful, saying this is a good thing you’re doing and my response was, ‘we’re thankful for you. We’re blessed to give to you.’ For those of you who haven’t come out, you’re really missing out on the great commission, the kingdom of God is at hand.❤️‍🔥🔥♥️💥💯🙏 ✝️

CBOM💥 June 15, 2024Well, tonight was quite a peaceful night although we were out of 300 sandwiches, bags of bread and nu...

CBOM💥 June 15, 2024
Well, tonight was quite a peaceful night although we were out of 300 sandwiches, bags of bread and number of bags of clothing, iced tea and water by 8:30. We were even giving away bread crusts and people were taking them!🤯 we could make 400 sandwiches but we need more helpers Friday night!
Tonight went quite well because we had 5 volunteers plus Dave and I so Dave and I had an opportunity to pray for people, oversee, gather supplies. 5 at the table seems to work best so please come out to serve the Lord. It’s not for us that you’re doing this, or for me, or for this ministry, it’s for the Lord and the kingdom and what he is doing in the hearts of our street people. And in the hearts of this land, restore this land Lord, 🙏restore it back to health.
We had a new volunteer Elim out tonight thank you Jesus and Shae’s mom came again, so beautiful. 💗
🙏for Samantha as she’s weaning herself off drugs hallelujah! 🙏🙌
🙏 for Sandy and her husband Will
🙏for Karen who has scoliosis and really wants to get off drugs. She’s so sweet and humble and asked for prayer last week & again this week.
There was another shorter man with his back, bent right over walking that way with scoliosis, as well that Rob prayed for.
Pray for Andrew’s street friend as he’s really struggling right now. He actually let me pray for him tonight. And went to give me a big hug Hallelujah.
Especially 🙏 for our drug dealer Jeremy 💯, who is almost always beside us at the corner. 🙏🙏🙏Tonight was the first night he let me pray for him so I just started blessing him and it rattled him so much that he dropped all his crock pipes! He was a little off tonight as he actually set up before we even took the tables down , he put his table right beside ours and then set it all up so we just did a Christian love huddle and at the corner and kept praying for him and showed grace and love and mercy.
Pray for everyone as it’s Father’s Day so it’s a little extra painful for many this weekend 🙏😢
We honour our fathers, no matter who they are and we break down illegitimacy and negative father examples and pray for our understanding of fathers so we could have a new vision of what a father is meant to be by looking to our Heavenly Father. Heal all our broken places, Lord.
Thank you Lord for a happy peaceful evening as most were very thankful and the homeless were even walkin’ around saying hallelujah!!🙌💯 oh and we were given a strawberry plant tonight! That’s the most unusual and beautiful donation we’ve received. Also thanks to Jesse and Karen coming last night with peanut butter jars and to Michael for helping us make sandwiches. Thank you Lord for giving me the strength to do Outreach tonight. All the glory belongs to you. We praise you for this opportunity to leave our cozy homes and sow into the lives of those who aren’t sheltered or cared for, we love you Jesus, this is our offering, our love offering to You ♥️♥️♥️❤️‍🔥🔥💥💯🙌🙏

CBOM💥June 8, 20244 Salvations 🙌🙏💯💥-Mary-Karen (she can’t do addictions anymore. She’s gotta get free) -Margin: his girlf...

CBOM💥June 8, 2024
4 Salvations 🙌🙏💯💥
-Karen (she can’t do addictions anymore. She’s gotta get free)
-Margin: his girlfriend died two weeks ago and he overdosed a two nights ago was so upset that they brought him back to life. He didn’t wanna live pray for his life and for hope pray for healing for his back, the morphine doesn’t even take away the pain
-Silver Willow (she’s so sweet 🙏)

🙏 for Desi and her three children. She’s going into detox. Her kids are in middle school ages and it’s time for her to get clean to be a good example to them in Jesus mighty name. She already knows the Lord hallelujah
Roger came out again tonight the one with cancer in three places again saying his mom had died and he’s still grieving but my goodness he looks so much better than last week. The Lord has done a work in him. Praying for people downtown East side is not vain, my friends, it changes them.♥️🙏♥️🙏
Thank you, Jesus we had Ruth back on the team tonight on the sandwich bins! She’s always asking people if they needed prayer and queueing me to go, pray for them! She’s bald warrior for the kingdom. We need more like this on the Sandwich team so more people would get prayed for and get saved and set free! Hallelujah🙌💯👏
Ruth also brought her friend Debbie out to volunteer thank you both. It was great to have Andrew come out again and invite his friend Michael. With our faithful servant of the Lord Rob, Dave, and I and these other volunteers there was time and opportunity to pray for people. Bless God 🙌 Although we didn’t have a clothing donations tonight, we had some other things to give away and most of all we gave away the gift of eternal life and a relationship with the king of the Lord of Lords! It was so touching to tears streaming down men’s faces tonight as they prayed and gave their lives to Jesus. When we first set up tonight, a grumpy guy with DJ style crates didn’t want to move over for us to set up for sandwiches but this kindhearted woman Angie spoke up for me and said “oh she asked nicely” and she got him to start moving his stuff and then we just waited started setting up and asked him to move over some more that we’re gonna feed him desserts and give him iced tea …and he started moving everything and then turned out not to be a problem at all. At the end I said good night everyone and he pipes up “thank you “! Praise the Lord look what God can do in just an evening. We had so much bread donated last night. We needed a second bill call to pick it up so we had another whole bin of desserts. Wow thank you Jesus! Tonight something I’ve never seen before at Outreach - this guy said you want to see? And he pulled boa constrictor snake out of his backpack!!🤯💥♥️✝️💯🙏🙌

CBOM💥June 1, 2024Well, the line never ended tonight. There wasn’t even a moment to breathe within the first hour and wit...

CBOM💥June 1, 2024
Well, the line never ended tonight. There wasn’t even a moment to breathe within the first hour and within two hours, we gave away three hundred sandwiches, dessert bin, ice tea, table of clothing and shoes. After two hours, all we had left was bread and water. There was only four volunteers tonight so little time to pray for people, but I when I got to pray for them, two of them had cancer. Carl is at ill struggling with cancer and willing to try chemo again because it made him feel better last time. We haven’t seen him in a while because he’s been home feeling unwell. Please pray for Carl.🙏🙏
Please pray for Roger who has stage three cancer. It moved from his lungs to his heart to his lymph nodes. He doesn’t want any surgery. He had three back-to-back heart attacks & was in ICU for days. He was very down tonight as his mother died three weeks ago 😢 and his heart is now deteriorating please pray for Roger. I prayed and listened for a while and in the end, his face brighten up he lifted up his head and was looking much better! thank you Jesus you’re our miracle working God. Thank you for bringing other people with cancer to me where I can care for them and believe with them for their healing, it’s more important to me that they’re healed than me but I do pray for both🙏🙌💯✝️💥 please continue to pray for Nelson whom had the cancerous tumour in his cheek. Surgery is June 28. He wasn’t out tonight. Pray for Darius that he gets his life back on track. He’s already a Christian and loves Jesus, 🙏 for deliveries from addictions🙏🙏🙏
Many of them were so thankful tonight, there were no issues, they all lay up beautifully down the sidewalk, a guy even asked me for a card so that he could donate because we do so much for people he wants to help! Big thanks to Jesse for picking it up at whole pile of PB&J again this week and for helping Dave and I make sandwiches last night- what rich conversation, talking about the things of God 🤩👏Thank you, Jesus for your provision you’re always faithful. Thank you for putting it on people’s hearts to come out and donate to the ministry💗💗💗💯✝️🙌 if you wanna donate please e-transfer to [email protected]🙏😊💗


In Peru, Michael prayed for a ministry to evangelizing and the Lord let him to CBOM🙌


With candles, happy birthday, Michael


Happy birthday, Michael

Happy birthday, Michael you’re a blessing in the CBOM family from day 1💯🥳🎉🎊🎂

Happy birthday, Michael you’re a blessing in the CBOM family from day 1💯🥳🎉🎊🎂

Thank you, Jesus for the sandwich crew!!👏

Thank you, Jesus for the sandwich crew!!👏

CBOM💥May 25, 20241 Salvations (Crystal)-Courtney (& freedom from drugs)Heavenly lead a man named -Jody to Jesus 🙌 please...

CBOM💥May 25, 2024
1 Salvations (Crystal)
-Courtney (& freedom from drugs)
Heavenly lead a man named -Jody to Jesus 🙌 please pray for shelter and freedom from addictions, and that the enemy doesn’t sn**ch him out of God’s hand. 👏It’s important that we always pray for those we brought to the Lord because the devil doesn’t like it and attacks afterwards
Heavenly and Lance also led -Chief to Jesus 🙌They prayed for the pain in his toe and his ribs. He was bent over and then stood up straight!!🤯hallelujah🙌✝️🔥💥 no that’s miracle!!! 💥 now that’s miracle!!! 💥❤️‍🔥🔥✝️🙌🙏🤯🤩
🙏 for a big Irish Italian man named Carlos for housing and a job💯
Well, we got what we prayed for this week🙌it was a very peaceful night, there were literally no issues, except for a ton of traffic getting out there… Lance was the first to arrive and people started packing up and moving off the corner immediately before he even let them know we’re gonna set up tables to help & feed them🤩 that’s the power of prayer! I’d also been praying for more of a police presence as there has been more near fights this last month and there were cops circling the corner all night and a few even stopped for a very long time🙌💗💯
We also had Shae’s mom Mary come out with a big smile on her face serving at the sandwich table 😁
Rob was back from his trip to Prince George in which God answered some prayers there!
Heavenly brought Lance with her, Michael arrived and so did Andrew as happenstance… Or the Lord would have it 😝 oh praise Lord we received clothing donations today, but almost 2 bags were gone within minutes before we even opened in prayer, thankfully a bunch of women came and shared the bags. We pulled out one more for later. It was beautiful to be able to give made 100 tuna sandwiches and 200 PB&J and a bag of bread to the shelter afterwards- give away a lot tonight and didn’t have a lot left over, the need is great. People were so thankful and so nice to us tonight, very humble and sweet. I was really a work of beauty that only Jesus can do. Shae said that something like a ministry like we do can change the entire neighbourhood down here. AMEN sister! That was a word from the Lord if I’ve ever heard one! 🔥🔥🔥We had enough volunteers for me just to feel very relaxed and refreshed the whole evening. I even had an appetite more than normal because I believe it was Annabelle that prayed that I would have a supernatural appetite yesterday… And. It. Has. Happened! And Dave then got to get out the bubble wand, and bring cheer to the atmosphere. By the end of the evening, there was half a dozen of us left and 4 who got to out pray the evening until 10:01 PM I used to do this till 10:30 every night especially as the warm weather approaches. Tomorrow we all go to the Christian movie called Sight and then out to dinner to celebrate Michael ‘s birthday🎊🎉🥳We are family 💯 🙌🥰👏✝️♥️🥳🎉🎊


Michael leading Fraser to Jesus🙌

CBOM💥Outreach 🌝Mothers Day 💝 🌸🌼💐🌷🪷🪻🌺May 11/24 1 Salvations (Crystal)Anthony Michael lead Fraser to the Lord🙌 Fraser aske...

CBOM💥Outreach 🌝Mothers Day 💝 🌸🌼💐🌷🪷🪻🌺May 11/24
1 Salvations (Crystal)
Michael lead Fraser to the Lord🙌 Fraser asked for prayer and then he wanted to receive more when Michael asked him if he wanted more so I said go for it , you lead him to Jesus so he did💥 And it was a beautiful moment but before we finished, this other guy, Anthony came along wanting prayer!
Both these guys came up to us after we finished Outreach and we’re doing closing prayer and they wanted prayer and then this big guy Anthony was hugging us. I didn’t get a chance to ask him if I could touch his shoulder before Dave started praying for him. He looked like he’d been in a fight as he had blood on his head so I didn’t think I should even touch his shoulder, but this massive dude was so touched from our prayers. He just burst out with “I love you guys” and embrace both Dave and I in a big bear hug. It was just phenomenal! And the way it all started out was that we were praying for each other! first, we got to pray for Andrew then Dave and Andrew and I were praying for Michael and as I was laying hands on him he got so smashed by the Holy Spirit and laughing with joy that he was going down under the power on Hastings Street, so Dave was catching him and then this guy Fraser comes along thinking Michael needed to be reassured lol, so Michael realized this was an opportunity to pray for Fraser so we all started praying and these two guys came to Jesus!💗 I didn’t know what the evening would hold but it just turned out to be such a blessed evening! Jesus knows I needed this and he came through 💯♥️ blessing upon blessing upon blessing, divine appointment upon divine appointment upon divine appointment, perfectly timed, one person after the other after the other one after the other. As one volunteer was leaving another volunteer arrived. As we were leaving after praying for those two guys, Pastor Jenn arrived asking about viewing the northern lights so we tried to view them at crab Park and then at prospect point. It was a beautiful evening with Pastor Jenn Allen, she was so supportive and encouraging, God just lined all this up- just the support I needed. Dave and I then ended up at Pho Don. The place was packed and there was only one table left and so we got the table and what do you know there were friends Lisa and Tony sitting right there🤩 we had another beautiful visit with them. Got home about 3 AM. God is so good he knits us together like family and puts the people we need in our path and the people that need us. It’s the interweaving and connecting of the Holy Spirit that has so perfectly done this- it’s unfathomably God.✝️🙌♥️💝💐🌷🌸🌼🪻🤩🙏 oh and there’s even more to share this guy from North Korea comes by with a sign with JESUS written boldly across it with a big smile on his face, saying he’s been witnessing for hours, asking for a sandwich tracks and a the Bible. The Patricia hotel has all its lettering lit up! First time I’ve ever seen that down there 😃 Shae got to pray for someone who asked for her from last time! yay! 👏 she is really coming out of her shell lately. Great job Shae 😃Of course Rob and Michael prayed for people. And last, but certainly not least we were blessed to give away a number of pink and purple gift bags for those who are mothers on the downtown side! It was such a delight to celebrate their motherhood and to receive a happy Mother’s Day and kind. Beautiful on a beautiful day 🌸🪷🌷💐🌺🌼
Check out the pic of the back of Michael’s T-shirt. This is an amazing Scripture written on the back of it, oh how I needed to be reminded of this tonight♥️ “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” Nahem 1:7


398 E Hastings Street Vancouver

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18:30 - 22:30





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